The Alltaker may claim their etherea, but I see no reason not to keep the bones.

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Reality is fickle and The Underworld’s unkind, but Fostermurden help stray mourners’ minds.

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She is cunning, reapers. Evasive and elusive. Find her, for she has use in our rebellion.

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Spiritmandering is an emotional practice. Just a song shifts the heart, emotions can shift etherea itself.

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There is nothing more beautiful than the act of creation…what monstrosity shall we create today, my dear?

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If there were but one byline, one single script to give me pause…and yet, I have my proof. My verdict is written in blood.

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One must listen for etherea, just as you listen to Xiall’s violin…it will guide you.

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I will not wait indefinitely in Demithyle’s shadow…my sword is strong, and my hunger is great.

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The Red Death is condemned to wander forever among the living, always hungering for the avarice of mankind…

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Those who do not comply with Gethsemoni’s requests might find themselves FACE to FACE with The Conclave of Shadows.

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