# pixelart pixel_dailies characterdesign videojuegos ps2 playstation2 jakanddaxter beyondgoodandevil shadowofthecolossus art ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ chizurukagura corelpainter2020 神楽ちづる darkcloudxero design digitalpainting earrings headband ink inked kingoffighters kof longhair pose powerpose shoulderpads snk strongwoman traditionalxdigital 八咫ちづる 中原めいこ ワタモテ buttons coat cold 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い digitalart eyelashes 黒木智子 lighting mokocchi muffler scarf tomokokuroki warm watamote ruby ダーククロニクル darkcloud2 darkchronicle pokemon eevee そんごくう カカロット チチ ドラゴンボール chichi clouds couple date dippen dragonball dress goku holdinghands husbandandwife songoku suit tie traditional twighlight 孫悟空 airisuzuki beautiful beret buono cute details 鈴木愛理 hat helloproject holbeinartistswatercolors lips marupen sweater watercolor カントリー・ガールズ berryzkoubou berryz工房 countrygirls glare icecreamfloat japaneseidol light momochi momokotsugunaga paint pensive reflection review straw surfacepro5 window 嗣永桃子 ainodangan anime ももち ボーノ catsuit gpen idol lovebullet manga motorcycle motorcyclesuit photoshop 愛の弾丸 ddlc drawing dunk kyokokoizumi schoolgirl shorthair smile xero 小泉今日子 darkhair japanese japaneseidols resting chinamitokunaga draw lineart lookingup thoughtful 徳永千奈美 80s 80sanime 80sidol naokokawai shorts sneakers sporty thighs 河合奈保子 artwork monsters gore blood creepy dark_art

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¿Con cuál de estos clásicos de te quedas si solo puedes escoger UNO?

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It's Xiao from I wanted to try a different artstyle, and I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, honestly <3

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for , thx for commissioning not one, but two Moni(k/c)as

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