Ecstatic to be illustrating this amazing book series! The first four books out MAY 2021! Here is the preliminary Lisowicia for the, you guessed it, Lisowicia book (book 4). Lisowicia is a Late Triassic dicynodont (a distant relative of ours)

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Elephantosaurus was a dicynodont from the Triassic period.

(Credit: Dmitry Bogdanov)

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Behemoth is a Dicynodont who serves as a scavenger in the Titan ecosystem. Prying open carcasses with its massive arms and tusks and shattering armor/ bones with its beak.

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Counillonia is a close relative of Dicynodon that survived the P-Tr extinction (yet another dicynodont lineage to do so!) and is characterised by forward-pointing tusks and eyes directed partly upwards (which I hope come across in my illustration) (Skull 📷from Olivier et al)

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I was also pulled *well* outside of my comfort zone of bird-y dinosaurs to reconstruct the almost-mammals Thrinaxodon and Morganucodon. The giant dicynodont Lisowicia was entirely up my alley though, and I was naturally aghast when it was knocked out of the running.

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A little cheer! I kept looking at the logo thinking it looked like a upside down, so I mocked this up yesterday! May make it into some stickers for the Angielczyk lab at some point 👀 Not enough logos out there!!!

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A Tyrannosaur, a Dicynodont, a Microraptorine Dromaeosaur and me want to say Happy Holidays and an amazing 2020 for all of us!

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Monstrum entry 5+6: the Archedrakes and their Dicynodont steeds. The primordial race before the Dragonborn, now buried beneath the soil of modern Dragonborn kingdoms. Stories tell of warriors rising from the dead, defending their long passed rulers, unaware of the passage of time

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Beaks have appeared separately numerous times in tetrapod evolution. I have depicted 5 examples here: dicynodonts (top left), pantestudines (center), rhynchosaurs (top right), shuvosaurid pseudosuchians (bottom left) and ceratopsian dinosaurs (bottom right)

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Ischigualastia jenseni was a type of dicynodont from the Jurassic. They were 3.5m long.

(Credit: Satoshi Kawasaki)

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Morning warmup sketch for I was thinking of this scene where a Pristerognathus (therocephalian) chases a Diictodon (dicynodont) that was caught too far out of its burrow. Permian (Capitanian) of South Africa.

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New blog post: Part 1 of a series on the science of the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs and associated sculptures, featuring new produced for . This post: dicynodonts -> plesiosaurs.

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2/3: Next, our redescription of the incredible dicynodont Sangusaurus, with a description/analysis of its unique feeding system (w/ Angielczyk and Hancox)!

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Only three groups of Synapsids/therapsids survived the end-Permian mass extinction event into the Early Triassic: dicynodonts (top), therocephalians (center), and cynodonts (bottom). Only the latter (our relatives) survived into the Jurassic.

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As expected I couldn’t stop thinking about the newly described GIANT dicynodont Lisowicia, and started sketching. I imagined a couple of them on an tranquil Triassic afternoon surrounded by coelophysioid dinosaurs and probably a large temnospondyl

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Today I bring you an assortment of Triassic dicynodonts: Dinodontosaurus, Lystrosaurus, Angonisaurus, Ischigualastia, Myosaurus and Kombusia. All these and many more will appear in my book. Dicynodonts are distantly related to us mammals.

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Both stahleckeriid and kannemeyeriid dicynodonts independently evolved a more orthal feeding stroke (& less of typical palinal motion), but in different ways! Find out how Sangusaurus does it (& other jaw motions) with its CRAZY skull in our new paper:

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YES! It's out! Our paper on anatomy (and feeding function!) of the incredible dicynodont Sangusaurus is now online! Check it out (along w/ all other great papers in this amazing JVP memoir)! (Life reconstruction by M. Donnelly; muscle drawing by me.)

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