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I have a big drop of new #paleoart coming next week, but for now I'm mining the archive again for #FossilFriday. Here's Mystriosuchus steinbergeri, from 2018. This is probably one of my better paintings - I often don't like looking at older work, but I think this holds up.
Quick rough piece of one of my favorite fish from the WIS in a Sugimori-esque style for #FossilFriday.
I’d love to see a set of collectible WIS cards, but I feel like I’d have to be the one to do it. 😅
I can't remember if I've released this online or not yet but, anyway, here's the full extent of my Pervushovisaurus vs. juvenile Cimoliopterus #paleoart piece for #FossilFriday. This dates back to 2020, so the juvenile pterosaur gauntlet isn't #PrehistoricPlanet inspired.
In remembrance of my friend Markus Bertling, curator of the Geomuseum Münster, who suddenly passed away, I want to share some images of Brancasaurus, a specimen he took care of, for #FossilFriday. Markus supported my research for many years and I will surely miss him.
Almost forgot that it's #FossilFriday. Here's some #paleoart of Pelagornis chilensis, which is one of my favourite paintings from 2018. I blogged about these amazing and gigantic fossil birds shortly after creating this image: https://t.co/1PBWmxOyyX
Mastodon jaw comparison with photogrammetric #3dmodels. Left, American mastodon from Louisiana, @LSU_MNS collection. Right, Pacific mastodon holotype @MaxMastodon, @WesternCenter collection. #FossilFriday.
October #Paleomoji game #3!
Can you guess this FRIGHTNING FOSSIL? Stay tuned for HAUNTING HINTS, and put your GOULISH GUESSES below. As always answers tomorrow on #FossilFriday.
Some moa (Dinornis) #paleoart from 2018 for #FossilFriday. Note the extreme sexual dimorphism of the two frontmost birds: that's real, not speculative. And no, I don't know what's happening to the right of this image. Possibly someone just opened a really big bag of birdseed.
I don’t share many early-stage WIPs but here’s one for #FossilFriday. The pencil sketch and about 2hrs of painting. A loooooong way still to go!
In addition to incorporating #tyrannosaurs for my thesis. I am also incorporating non-tyrannosaur theropods. Here are some of the #theropods that me and Eric Snively of @OSUVertPaleo worked on. 2D FEA models of #Spinosaurus, #Giganotosaurus, and #Tyrannosaurus. #FossilFriday.
Just in time for #FossilFriday. A new review about the integration of marine biology & oceanography using sediment cores! @TheJR https://t.co/1Y2Umu4eIq
81. Here’s an interestingly unique theropod for #TheSummerOfTheropods & #FossilFriday. Introducing #Halszkaraptor ("Halszka's thief”), a dromaeosaurid that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period of Mongolia. Art by Lukas Panzarin.
#Paleoart of Plateosaurus for #FossilFriday. The hindlimb looks odd because it has a large Psittacosaurus-style membrane between the lower leg and body. This is speculative, but there's no reason to think Psittacosaurus had a monopoly on limb patagia among non-volant dinosaurs.
Sharing another old piece for #FossilFriday. Ohio has some amazing cloudscapes, so this is a study I did one evening. I really liked it and ended up adding two sparring Bajdasaurus to the scene #paleoart #OriginalContentArtist #cloudscapes
A study of Chasmosaurus belli from Feb 17, 2020 for #FossilFriday.
Who would have known ceratopsians don't like missed deadlines?
Based on the skeletal by @skeletaldrawing
#paleoart #sciart #dinosaur
Some new #paleoart for #FossilFriday. This 2018 Irritator image was destined for a future book, but it's now superfluous thanks some study or other that came out this week. This is a substantial update on a scene from my 2013 pterosaur book. Tapejara and Anhanguera also feature.
Some Mosasaurus #paleoart for #FossilFriday. And no, we don't know that they had dorsal fins, but we don't know that they didn't either - the right parts of their soft tissues have not, to my knowledge, been preserved to indicate either way.
Hope everyone got to save the turkey’s wishbone yesterday? Theropod dinosaurs like #Tyrannosaurus also have a wishbone or furcula. You can see the furcula that’s present on @SUEtheTrex of @FieldMuseum
for #FossilFriday.
Sketch of the newly described Ferrisaurus sustutensis, a leptoceratopsid ceratopsian from Cretaceous Canada. Perfect for today’s #FossilFriday. I really like the anatomy of all these small ceratopsian species. #paleoart #sciart #dinosaurs Done In Peocreate.
Some 2016 #paleoart of Stenonychosaurus investigating a beached Tusoteuthis for #FossilFriday. This image is looking a little old now, but it's not without charm.