I have a big drop of new coming next week, but for now I'm mining the archive again for Here's Mystriosuchus steinbergeri, from 2018. This is probably one of my better paintings - I often don't like looking at older work, but I think this holds up.

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Quick rough piece of one of my favorite fish from the WIS in a Sugimori-esque style for

I’d love to see a set of collectible WIS cards, but I feel like I’d have to be the one to do it. 😅

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I can't remember if I've released this online or not yet but, anyway, here's the full extent of my Pervushovisaurus vs. juvenile Cimoliopterus piece for This dates back to 2020, so the juvenile pterosaur gauntlet isn't inspired.

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In remembrance of my friend Markus Bertling, curator of the Geomuseum Münster, who suddenly passed away, I want to share some images of Brancasaurus, a specimen he took care of, for Markus supported my research for many years and I will surely miss him.

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Almost forgot that it's Here's some of Pelagornis chilensis, which is one of my favourite paintings from 2018. I blogged about these amazing and gigantic fossil birds shortly after creating this image: https://t.co/1PBWmxOyyX

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Mastodon jaw comparison with photogrammetric Left, American mastodon from Louisiana, collection. Right, Pacific mastodon holotype , collection.

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October game


Can you guess this FRIGHTNING FOSSIL? Stay tuned for HAUNTING HINTS, and put your GOULISH GUESSES below. As always answers tomorrow on

4 11

Some moa (Dinornis) from 2018 for Note the extreme sexual dimorphism of the two frontmost birds: that's real, not speculative. And no, I don't know what's happening to the right of this image. Possibly someone just opened a really big bag of birdseed.

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I don’t share many early-stage WIPs but here’s one for The pencil sketch and about 2hrs of painting. A loooooong way still to go!

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In addition to incorporating for my thesis. I am also incorporating non-tyrannosaur theropods. Here are some of the that me and Eric Snively of worked on. 2D FEA models of and

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Just in time for A new review about the integration of marine biology & oceanography using sediment cores! https://t.co/1Y2Umu4eIq

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81. Here’s an interestingly unique theropod for & Introducing ("Halszka's thief”), a dromaeosaurid that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period of Mongolia. Art by Lukas Panzarin.

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of Plateosaurus for The hindlimb looks odd because it has a large Psittacosaurus-style membrane between the lower leg and body. This is speculative, but there's no reason to think Psittacosaurus had a monopoly on limb patagia among non-volant dinosaurs.

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Sharing another old piece for Ohio has some amazing cloudscapes, so this is a study I did one evening. I really liked it and ended up adding two sparring Bajdasaurus to the scene

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A study of Chasmosaurus belli from Feb 17, 2020 for
Who would have known ceratopsians don't like missed deadlines?

Based on the skeletal by

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Some new for This 2018 Irritator image was destined for a future book, but it's now superfluous thanks some study or other that came out this week. This is a substantial update on a scene from my 2013 pterosaur book. Tapejara and Anhanguera also feature.

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Some Mosasaurus for And no, we don't know that they had dorsal fins, but we don't know that they didn't either - the right parts of their soft tissues have not, to my knowledge, been preserved to indicate either way.

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Hope everyone got to save the turkey’s wishbone yesterday? Theropod dinosaurs like also have a wishbone or furcula. You can see the furcula that’s present on of

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Sketch of the newly described Ferrisaurus sustutensis, a leptoceratopsid ceratopsian from Cretaceous Canada. Perfect for today’s I really like the anatomy of all these small ceratopsian species. Done In Peocreate.

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Some 2016 of Stenonychosaurus investigating a beached Tusoteuthis for This image is looking a little old now, but it's not without charm.

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