# dryad fantasyartists treeartist treewoman watercolorartists stlart stlouisartist stlartist womendrawingwomen womenofillustration watercolor painting art fox foxes forest woods enchanted kitsune foxspirits green greenforest tree trees fairytale magical enchantment magic fantasyforest acrylicpainter fantasyartist fantasylandscape intothewoods stlartwork midwestartist mi draw drawing artstationday artwork fantasy arte scenario scenarioevolution inktober inktober2019 inktoberday7 illustration comic shadowscapestarot tarot tarotart queenofpentacles shadowscapes nature beautyinnature library kid bookseries children artist author animalfriends forestfriends books bunny bookstack literacy youngreaders booksandart unicorn phoenic mythicalbeast myth mythic mythology fairytales fantasyart beautiful woodlands beautifulworld treepainting junefae lostinthewoods paganart treeart watercolornature womenpaintingwomen greenwoman gree bookcover artstagram animalartwork deerpainting animalillustrations watercolorartwork fantasycreature womenwhopaint greenwoods natureartwork springpainting wa violaillustration booksday worldbookday reading forestnymph womenwhoread mushrooms womanhood womenwhodraw illustratedwomen feministart whimsyillustration whimsicalart fairytaleillustrations stjordi monarchbutterfly butterflies butterfly dreamlike stah raven gold golden goldleaf shinystuff patternsinnature vincentvangogh crystafett cathleenabalos starrynight jellyfish surreal sea ocean music violinist violin musicismagic acrylicpainting autumnart autumnlandscape bridge bridgepainting rainbowbridge princetonbrushes goldenacrylics fredrixcanvas believe fairies stories reader booklover youngreader fairy ladybug storytime motivationmonday amwriting amreading myenchantedforest

Into the woods we should not go. What we find there is not what we believe to be just past the inviting line of trees.


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I lied. Yesterday I only showed a part of my inktober 7 post.
Inktober day 07 Enchanted, the full picture.

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Inktober day 07 Enchanted. This time I decided to only draw a cool picture. I was inspired by the Island of Yakushima and sci-fi stories where humanity must find new habitable planets.

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The prince likes to accompany his grandma on her daily walks through the His bird gets a little nervous around the stream -it's afraid of water. Grandma looks down at her serpent that is bringing her with tenderness a flower.

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“I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” —- I worked on this sketch a while ago for a more detailed piece but I never posted it! Enjoy! 💕😊#crystafett

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