R.I.P. George Perez.
We knew it was coming, still heartbreaking. Love and condolences to his family, and everyone whose lives were touched by the man and his art.

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Hard day for us nerds. Rest In Peace Thank you for everything.

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We'll miss you so much.
Thankyou for changing our life. Thankyou for everything.

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We all knew it was coming but it doesn't soften the blow 😢

One of the greatest and a true giant.

He was one of the first artist to make me stop and really look at what was on the pages.

Rest in peace George Perez 😔

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Descanse en paz uno de los autores mas grandes del mundo del cómic.
Siempre en nuestros recuerdos!!

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It was just announced that legendary comic artist George Perez has died.

He was an inspiration to me and someone I wanted to emulate artistically. He was a master at detail, dynamic panels, and storytelling.

You will be missed George.

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It's THN 663, featuring characters who put their job right in their name! With of Sandman Detective Comics DC Comics Presents Comet Man & MORE!

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This is my team, the I created these guys back in high school. The second drawing I did when I was 16 years old. I was a big fan of and so I tried to draw like him and detail everything!

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Merecido homenaje.
Esta ilustración, diseñado por Dan Jurgens y dibujada por varios artistas, aparecerá en las publicaciones de DC del mes de Junio celebrando el cumpleaños de

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A beautiful tribute to The Man of a Thousand Characters in Avengers as Earth's Mightiest Heroes raise a glass to

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Perez brings a level of detail to every panel that would put many artists to shame. Zoom in, you won’t be disappointed

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Galería de apreciación al arte del maestro dibujante de ascendencia puertorriqueña con un trazo limpio y dinámico. Nadie crea escenas de batalla o paneles con multitudes de superhéroes como él. (4/4)

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Galería de apreciación al arte del maestro dibujante de ascendencia puertorriqueña con un trazo limpio y dinámico. Nadie crea escenas de batalla o paneles con multitudes de superhéroes como él. (3/4)

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Galería de apreciación al arte del maestro dibujante de ascendencia puertorriqueña con un trazo limpio y dinámico. Nadie crea escenas de batalla o paneles con multitudes de superhéroes como él. (2/4)

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