Loop Hero vampire lady for Four Quarters' annual art contest

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omicron, been playing loophero

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do it for her...
i want to draw her so much

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tried to do a portrait of a wizard midget and his summon in the style of (the palette was really fun to work with)

9 111

Ok so, after basically a whole day, I noticed the post didn't go off so yeh....
Gotta post it now ovo~
This is The Priestess with many names of the game Loop Hero, I have been playing it a lot, like, really a lot, I love it ;vvv;~♡

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Alphonse Elric in style!
I just think he'd fit in well is all 👉👈

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Thanks for the donation...
Inspired by great game, Id recommend!

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La voici la voilà, l'illustration de est terminée ❤
Après des heures dessus, je suis fière de mon travail ! 🙌

P. S. : Jouez-y.

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Sprite portrait commission for the lovely !
Thank you for ordering, it was a good pixel-learning exercise/experience🧡

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has consumed my free time like the Lich consumed the world

The Lich - Omicron

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*Counter* *Counter* *Counter*

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POV : You failed to shatter the mirrors fast enough

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Hunter and his hounds from .For me, he is arguably the hardest boss in the game

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