Mountain Orc
Lived in the caves under the mountain. Have a really good vision to helped them see in the dark. Ferocious but not too smart. Their strength lies in their numbers, there are hundreds of thousands of them scattered all over the continent.

0 2

19 - Professor

Teachers got eyes behind their back... He got spotted instantly.

6 33

I'm also going to be reposting last year's no need for these lads to be buried forever by time.

I explored the Dungeons and Dragons Arcane Focuses, but seen through the lens of how I run Orcs in my games.

2 12

Orctober nibbles Tate by , uncensored on Patreon!

4 62

18 - Pirate

He may have a broken voice, but that won't stop him from singing his heart out.
He's even buying you a pint ! The loot must have been plentiful recently.

24 71

i know im only supposed to draw beefy sexy orc men for orctober (/s), but here's a cute orc girl instead

35 170

If I let Orctober slip by without some kind of mention about everyone's favorite Big Boi Bruisers, Lazgar would break me in uncomfortable ways. Follow and throw some Orc at your players: tell 'em Lazgar sent them.

7 6

Day 9 of brings us a glimpse of every mek's greatest treasure, his pile o' Junk!

3 10

"Well well well, look who tried to incrimate me, tell me.. . Did it work?"

5 17

15- Mutant
I saw using the ''free space'' for draw a mutant and draw his OC, so i thought that was a good idea to draw his Big Boy too ^^

28 79

it's time to repost the orcs

61 254

13- Artificer
Well I wanted to draw another of my OCs, this time is Sam Hammerforge

36 94

inspired by wrestling themed orc pics (which have been in a word, brilliant) I did up my own orc wrestler.

Meet Brunzuk Backshatterer!

118 566