🎄🎄🎄ADVENT with Tezuka Characters🎄🎄🎄
Day 12: (aka the white lion appearing in Jungle Emperor/Kimba the White Lion

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🎄🎄🎄ADVENT with Tezuka Characters🎄🎄🎄
Day 11: Kenichi He is one of the most popular actors appearing in a lot of major works (Lost Word, Chief Detective etc.).

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🎄🎄🎄ADVENT with Tezuka Characters🎄🎄🎄
Day 10: I.L., appearing in a fairly tale for adults titled the same. She is a mysterious woman who can transform herself into any figure. https://t.co/B4t213GmkD

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🎄🎄🎄ADVENT with Tezuka Characters🎄🎄🎄
Day 9: Ham Egg, the perfect partner for Acetylene Lamp, appearing in a lot of Tezuka manga works, including Metropolis, The Crater and more, since 1945.

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Us deixo el meu article a en el que entrevisto a amb motiu de la publicació del llibre
"#OsamuTezuka. El don de la imaginación"
publica .
Lectura imprescindible al
En català👇

8 10

Os dejo mi artículo en en el que entrevisto a con motivo de la publicación del libro
"#OsamuTezuka. El don de la imaginación"
publica .
Lectura imprescindible en
En castellano

18 26

L'anime de Dororo de 1979 est dispo sur YT en version 4k. La plus Kurosawaïenne des oeuvres de Tezuka est sublimée dans cette très belle adaptation portée par la musique d'Isao Tomita

どろろ 1話~4話 https://t.co/wvqUvY9ByV via

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🎄🎄🎄ADVENT with Tezuka Characters🎄🎄🎄
Day 8: Hyakkimaru, the leading character of (left).

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Will provide info of manga titles now available on stores from now on. Here is the first title, available at https://t.co/6uTjbGmBVX. His unconditional love would warm your heart.

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🎄🎄🎄ADVENT with Tezuka Characters🎄🎄🎄
Day 7: Goku, or known as appearing in both Tezuka manga and animations.

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Anyone know if the Pluto anime got cancelled? The settei listing said it did, but now I'm not sure if that was legit or not.

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🎄🎄🎄Advent with Tezuka Characters🎄🎄🎄
Day 5: Earl Dracula, from a slapstick comedy titled
The proud happens to move to Japan, causing troubles around him.

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🎄🎄🎄ADVENT with Tezuka Characters🎄🎄🎄
Day4: the best pal of Hyakkimaru.

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🎄🎄🎄ADVENT with Teuzka Characters🎄🎄🎄
Day 3: Chikara Aritake, one of the busiest supporting actors appearing in more than 50 Tezuka works, including Lost World and If you can name all the works he appears, you are the absolute geek!

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🎄🎄🎄ADVENT with Tezuka Characters🎄🎄🎄
We introduce Tezuka characters one by one in alphabetical order till Christmas day.
Day 1: Acetylene Lamp, appearing in various works, including Message to Adolf.

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More award-wining short animations (Tales of The Street Corner/Pictures at an Exhibition/Mermaid/The Legend of The Forest) are available till Dec. 18 on Tezuka YouTube channel for free: https://t.co/paawuMF2du

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A tom cat? Atom cat? Let me introduce an adorable cat-like robot with powers. The work, written as a parody of Astro Boy (Mighty will sure charm you. https://t.co/rEbtQuM86J

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World Cup 2022. Which team do you support?

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