
A by me and

Transcript and commentary: https://t.co/nOi7pe6WcS

If you like these cartoons, help us make more by retweeting! Or support us more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

22 69

The Constant Cacophony of Cancelling Cancel Culture

Transcript of https://t.co/TZFYR4191t

Help me make more cartoons by retweeting - or help more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2!

And read lots more cartoons here: https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

(Reposted b/c typo.)

15 33

The Constant Cacophony of Cancelling Cancel Culture

Transcript of https://t.co/0MmnGbyfmK

Help me make more cartoons by retweeting - or help more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2!

And read lots more cartoons here: https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

7 23

"Trans People Just Don't Listen"

A by me and

Transcript and discussion: https://t.co/62EdGrbH9W

Help us keep making these cartoons with retweets! Or help more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

178 439

Easy Ways To Be Cancelled!
Transcript of https://t.co/DnOPsfHHa3

Help us keep making cartoons by retweeting! Or help more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

Lots more cartoons! https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

23 56

Capitalism Can Innovate Around Anything!

Transcript of https://t.co/VcMKY1rwvy

Support these cartoons with your retweet button! Or support more directly at https://t.co/An0fGdnfeC.

25 49

The Purple People Next Door
A by me and

If you like these cartoons, support them by retweeting! Or more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

Transcript of cartoon: https://t.co/mZ79ZQu89y

11 45

Is It Fiction or is it Qualified Immunity?

Transcript and a bigger image of https://t.co/jsU0utSHOM

Support the making of these cartoons with a retweet - or support more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

94 176

Owning The Libs Equals Victory!

Support these cartoons by retweeting - or more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

Transcript of https://t.co/dgZrtHfWhz

Lots more cartoons! https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

44 153

James Lindsay was never a "left-leaning liberal."

If you rarely publicly advocate any left views, except as an aside to establish your cred to attack the left, then you're on the right.


7 20

Real America vs The Coastal Elites
A by and I.

Look at that panel 3 Becky drew!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Transcript: https://t.co/bhtwrdoFZO

Support us making more of these cartoons by retweeting, or more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2. :-)

25 92

How To Recognize Drug-Seekers

Transcript of https://t.co/4U0oDVjRXd

Support these cartoons by retweeting! Or support more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

185 524

Democrats losing elections are a funhouse mirror; we look into our losses and see what we've believed all along staring right back at us.

Transcript of https://t.co/GdBg9KR1jg

Support these cartoons with retweets, or more directly at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

3 7

A statue of Thomas Jefferson in NYC is being moved from City Hall to a museum, and of course right-wingers are complaining about "destroying history." Seems like a good day to repost this

Transcript: https://t.co/hRVbdEibwR

13 29

La parte trasera y el portón se han sustituido por ventanas de policarbonato que aportan transparencia y luminosidad. Hay paneles solares transparentes en el techo que dejan pasar la luz mientras ayudan a cargar la batería del automóvil que ahora es 100% eléctrico.

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