Tras el asesinato de siguen las protestas de las mujeres Iraníes luchando por su libertad.
Si ellas pierden el miedo, ellos están perdidos.

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27 Sept 1581: in the Tower of - the last of 4 disputes between St Edmund Campion & divines. A planned 5th was cancelled due to adverse publicity (BM)
Despite being forbidden books or notes, the word went about that Campion was more than holding his own.

4 8

A las valientes mujeres iraníes. 10 días de protestas y sumando.

17 42

Non c’è niente di più bello che inventare giorno per giorno il linguaggio della protesta!

3 18

In Italia c'è chi combatte una guerra che hanno solo nella loro testa mentre in Iran uccidono una ragazza perché si è fatta la coda ai capelli in segno di protesta.

269 1800

Credo a tutte le forme di studio, di approfondimento e di protesta contro la mafia. La mafia si nutre di cultura, la cultura dell'illegalità
Pino Puglisi


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En Iran, la mort d’une jeune femme arrêtée par la police des mœurs suscite des protestations

3 9

James II (1685-1688)

The last Catholic king. Continued the House of Stuart’s struggle with Parliament; his belief in absolute power caused trouble. Deposed in the Glorious Revolution, when Parliament invited the Protestant Dutch prince William of Orange to take over.


18 325

Today in 1588 the "Invincible Armada", sent by Catholic King Philip II of Spain to overthrow Protestant Queen Elizabeth I of England, is defeated in the English Channel

1 1

Prima vennero a prendere gli zingari,rubacchiavano
Poi vennero a prendere gli ebrei,mi erano antipatici
Poi vennero a prendere gli omosessuali,mi erano fastidiosi
Poi i comunisti,non ero comunista
Un giorno vennero a prendere me,non c'era rimasto nessuno a protestare

5 25

Il 1875 a seguito di attentati, omicidi e sabotaggi ai danni delle forze dell'ordine e dei proprietari delle miniere è bandita l’organizzazione di minatori irlandesi che protestavano contro le dure condizioni di lavoro a cui erano sottoposti negli Usa.

1 5

31 Aug 1681: Stephen College 'the Protestant Joiner' executed in Oxford Castle Yard by Jack Ketch. A balladeer and satirist he attacked the coming succession of James II.

"By Irish oaths and wrested law I fell/
A prey to Rome & sacrifice to hell"

3 12

31 Aug 1581: First (of four) debates between St. Edmund Campion & divines in the Tower of Campion was permitted no reference material so had to do it all from memory. Rumours that he was prevailing led to a government decision to shut down the debates.

8 16

- (pope) Bergoglio says we smell of the devil and Roche calls us Protestants

The truth is the Bergoglians are separating from the Faith, we are remaining true to our Lord and the Apostles

28 110

Activismo como única solución ante injusticias y desigualdades que nos rodean.Levántate del sofá y lucha,apaga la tele y protesta,sal a la calle y hazte escuchar
Tras unos días de necesaria desconexión hemos vuelto. Felices de encontraros por aquí de nuevo

19 29

Le temps des marieuses..Le18 /8/1572 en vue d'une réconciliation entre protestants et catholiques, Jeanne d’Albret et Catherine de Médicis décident de marier, Henri de Navarre et Marguerite de Valois (la reine Margot)S'en suivra le massacre de la St-Barthélémy

6 17

OC's 6/7 con el monito de Kirey!!

Perdónenme, ahora voy a la uni de noche y entre protestas y pseudo vandalismo olvidé publicarlo XD

Deesenme que sobreviva otro semestre QWQ

4 9

The Feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother. The Queen of Heaven & Earth. Mirror of Justice. Seat of Wisdom. Mystical Rose. Ark of the covenant. Queen conceived without original sin. Please pray for Protestants who deny the Mother of God the honor she deserves. ✝️🙏🏻❤️👑

261 1483

in 1566, the first phase of the Iconoclastic Fury began during which Calvinist Protestant crowds wreaked havoc in Catholic Churches. King Philip of Spain sent the Duke of Alba to the Low Countries to end the “Beeldenstorm” by all means necessary:

4 9

5 Aug 1552: John Bale ex-Carmelite & polemical reformer meets Edward VI at & is promised the diocese of in (Bm/eebo)

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