15 Aug 1552: John Bale ex-Carmelite & polemical reformer meets Edward VI at & is promised the diocese of in (Bm/eebo)

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5 Aug 1552: John Bale ex-Carmelite & polemical reformer meets Edward VI at & is promised the diocese of in (Bm/eebo)

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26 June 1551: John Bale ex-Carmelite & polemical reformer is collated Rector of Bishopstoke Hampshire He would be nominated bishop of Ossory on 22 Oct 1552, where he made his mark on (eebo/BM)

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Look closely at the milk bottle and apples in Ronald Ossory Dunlop's still life and you'll see how lighting and shadow animate and dramatise the variety of forms and textures which are revealed by placing them side-by-side.

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2 Feb 1553: John Bale ex-friar, historian, polemicist, playwright, consecrated as Bishop of in - characteristically he causes a row by demanding the 'new' reformed ordinal be used (BM/eebo)

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10 Jan 1560: following Elizabeth I's accession, John Bale former then evangelical polemicist, playwright, antiquarian & bishop of is made a canon of cathedral (BM/eebo)
He never went back to which he’d fled under Mary I.

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Ronald Ossory Dunlop - Harriet Cohen (1930)

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15 Aug 1552: John Bale & polemical reformer meets Edward VI at & is promised the diocese of in (Bm/eebo)

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5 Aug 1552: John Bale ex-Carmelite & polemical reformer meets Edward VI at & is promised the diocese of in (Bm/eebo)

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26 June 1551: John Bale ex-Carmelite & polemical reformer is collated Rector of Bishopstoke Hampshire He would be nominated bishop of Ossory on 22 Oct 1552, where he made his mark on (eebo/BM)

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Some more by Ronald Ossory Dunlop (obviously a popular subject matter for him!) These ones are held by and It's interesting to see his beard change in the various portraits!

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Our 4th pick for using the theme - is of Ronald Ossory Dunlop - Irish author and painter in oil. Rather appropriately for also have a self-portait of him. That one shows him with a pipe as well

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“Your Dryads must go into black gloves, Madam. Their father-in-law Lady Nature’s second husband, is dead! Mr Brown dropped down at his own door yesterday” wrote Horace Walpole to Lady Ossory on 7th February 1783. https://t.co/IQl5N5TFLH

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Among the tales of the wolf people of Ossory is one that holds that St Patrick cursed them for having the temerity to howl at him whilst he attempted to preach to them...he was a grumpy old saint by all accounts...
Art self.cover for folktales of Ossory.

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“Your Dryads must go into black gloves, Madam. Their father-in-law Lady Nature’s second husband, is dead! Mr Brown dropped down at his own door yesterday” wrote Horace Walpole to Lady Ossory on 7th February 1783. https://t.co/IQl5N5TFLH

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“Your Dryads must go into black gloves, Madam. Their father-in-law Lady Nature’s second husband, is dead! Mr Brown dropped down at his own door yesterday” wrote Horace Walpole to Lady Ossory on 7th February 1783. https://t.co/7Y8dALXHQx

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