The sun went missing for ten unholy days after her magic inkwell spilled, staining the world in shadow. We couldn't forget the end, reviewing... 1/2

8 46

It attracts fairy lights before the 1st snow & prevents one's heart from falling with the foliage to dance in wilderness upon heartbreak. Its velvet sweetness won't stick to your skin but will coat it in dew's glow. It also eats its brethren to regenerate.

4 32

He sits somewhere between the lilac & navy of my heart, a crumbling treasure that led away firm monsters & bolstered my love for blueberries & their tendency to stain lips like kisses.

13 54

We are all luminous, leading one another to safety. Our truth lies in words that the false see as fiction—trailing sighs feathering ink, spilled stutters on stepladders, pen pal letters between margins.

12 64

Artificial ocean breeze singed our skin as the floor slid into a stairwell & ceiling crumbled. Paint flakes tickled my nose upon ascension, but Emilia... She fused w/ the devil in wax. Too late to reconsider candle choices.

6 41

The surrounding pulse rocks me gently. My host still breathes.
I breach the of my pod's walls. They crack as I break free.
Mother God tree's design is wise and
My conscience is clear - my host will die.

6 32

The day he was taken, I searched the other side of the wall, eyes burning with sadness. There was no haven for AI, no blood, no presence—only endless ellipses spattering the ground where laughter once lived.

21 84

A warlock turned me into a and some scientist turned you into a version of yourself. We can fly now, in our separate ways.
I woke up with you carrying me once. I'd flown to exhaustion, looking for something I couldn't find.
I'll carry you too.

5 18

My hand clasped with yours & our sights on trees silhouetted by sun's glow, I remembered strawberries' sweet tang on homemade yogurt & the friend who fit almost snug in my palms—the day I no longer felt small. 6

9 39

She was one of those kids born at the wrong time and the worst place. Doomed before her first steps. Indifferent parents, a childhood in a dying city.
She stepped from her destine path, clawing and breaking the cogs of her family's cycle of poverty, crime, and despair.

16 60

Saturday 1/2

- Flatulence
-  Easter bunny nightmares
- Gift
- Peaches
- Old
- Alter/Altar
- Obtuse
- Villains

20 33

I came upon a lush patch of wildflowers amid brumal icing sugar. My hands brushed against its hues while the falling sky speckled my face, soft & brief as cotton candy on warm tongues & somehow just as sweet. You became spring matter.

8 52

We weren't thay Hatfields or McCoys but that there kin other side Big Sandy Rive had we Thurston clan riled up. Theuurr awful old grandpap ayn' his hootin' ayn' a-dancin' round theuurr Still done drew Revenue men ta OUR land. Gonna shoot that there man in thay foot.

3 8

Deep pangs had begun to introduce themselves almost frequent as the shy, jumbo dust bunny who lived in our forest. Unable to hide any longer, he recruited our help in saving his babies who'd managed to roll themselves stuck beneath moss.

8 62

Perhaps Oscar Wilde penned it best as "the love that dare not speak its name." A century before it became legal, he was jailed for practicing that forbidden love he so vividly preached.
Furtive glances. Hushed tones. Dark dances. Caressed jawbones...

2 6

Your throne appears empty these days and walks are lonelier, but today, I felt your leash lead me to our spot beyond the serrated boulders. I stood there for hours, embracing little gusts on my hand. Or were they sniffs?

16 85

Her dream was so vivid, she could smell his amazing, wild scent. Taste the passion dripping from the kisses of the man with the white wings.

When her alarm blared, she wanted to cry... until noticing the single feather clutched in her hand.

12 45

"I've never seen such lively nubs. How've they not begun to sag?" exclaimed the man, shaking w/ elation. "Please let me hold them. I promise they won't retreat into their skin." I turn to see the world's thinnest touchscreen.

4 34

"I agreed to 'til death do us part."
"We're not exactly dead, are we? And it's 'eternal matrimony'."
"Eternity can go fuck itself."
"At least eternity won't curse it's innocent wife by fucking itself instead of a pixie whore with an immorality STD."
"This will be fun."

11 77

Take no never mind of the beast in the corner...
But grandma, it's a wolf!
No, just a man with a wolfish grin, but no less dangerous.

5 18