Many times I've heard how much it means for the arrested or imprisoned protesters, to see the support from all the & thanks all you sweet

p.s. My first GIF animation! 😅

37 72

It’s so I drew this this two-panel comic to honour the courage of

106 301

Really good news. Now waiting for a list of and govt officials for undermining and ravaging Hong Kong democracy and freedom. 🙏🏻

2 4

Thank you and hope to hear good news is from Australia soon.

6 10

tries to “wreck” Hong Kong thoroughly and then “refabricate” it with same name but completely different from the cosmopolitan city world know about. After HK, Taiwan will be the next target

0 0

Day 129
Unchecked will swallow your country if you continue to appease

31 40

Thanks. We r so helpless and hopeless in HK. Pls continue to

1 1

Do you naively think and the lamb duck govt care what the free world thinks? should take the lead and apply acute sanctions on these democracy violators

1 3

Dear Milk Tea Alliance,

Let's fight together against Dictatorships!! Dictatorships will have no place in this world!! Dictators shall fail. Freedom will prevail.

3 0

: 各位寫信師同埋手足,有一個不幸既消息要係到公布,我地既一位 既 twitter帳號已經被封,未知會唔會有解封機會,希望各位手足有機會的話繼續寫信,支持寫信師同在囚手足。

26 38

Today is 19 months after On 21 July 2019, terrorist indiscriminately attacked civilians at Yuen Long station, while no police were present in the turmoil.

Photo designed by

19 27

Thank you reps for continuously speaking for & helping ppl of Hong Kong. We r now repressed just like those in mainland & suffer w/ & arrest. We lost freedom to speak against or govt potentially violating the evil Pls help us.

7 32

Thank you guys for your support!!
We really appreciate it❤️🇲🇲

53 97