Today on our blog we’re looking at another Archetype for Age of Sigmar: Soulbound — the commanding Kurnoth Hunter of the Sylvaneth! Let us know what you think in the comments. Read full post here:

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Made my notes on the Sylvaneth. Time to make the script

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Skin and wood were a success. Cloth is a little rougher. Too bad I have way too much Sylvaneth to paint before next weekend to keep experimenting

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Arch-Revenant finished for my Sylvaneth army. A really beautiful model, it was a joy to paint! 😊

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Finished my Kurnoth Hunters 😊 I decided against green swords as it felt a bit random, I think the bark and bases still tie them in enough to the Spites and the blue swords feel like they fit better. Really enjoying painting the Sylvaneth 😊

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That’s a pretty cool new hero for the Sylvaneth!

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I guess that's the end of playing sylvaneth for me. Thanks a lot, dog.

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Played game 3 with his Sylvaneth. I managed to take off Alarielle turn 1, but he had a Branch Wraith killed a zombie dragon! Got the major win and ended up 2 and 1 today

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New Blades of Khorne (with a new Skulltaker!), Sylvaneth for Nightvault, new Chaos Marines, a bunch more, and who could that last guy be?...

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Managed 2 wins in great games but my friend got his revenge and beat my up in his 1st game with

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Remade the Sylvaneth dryad as a vector with some adjustments.

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I name this piece: "An Ode to the Dryads".

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from my they're probably retiring for was a great send off and he was MVP

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Latest in the sylvaneth series is up at Warhammer Community: (+ featured conversion is by )

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Continuing the sylvaneth spotlight - an intro to the Sylvaneth Wyldwood (with fancy graphics):

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Does anybody want a Sylvaneth Darkroot Wargrove? I have one all Sprues untouched except I used Drychas head for a conversion. Please RT

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