is showing us all what a big is. Good grief, we are in the middle of a Global Pandemic and trump, true to form, makes it all about himself.
Embarrassed by trump’s leadership (lack of).

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The Trump cult does not require that you remain healthy ... or even stay alive (plenty more where they came from).

If you want healthcare, get a damn job, libtard!

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"Why are you complaining? Some people call me the most stable babysitter ever. That'll be two-trillion dollars, please."

1 2

Primi soccorritori:
- Chiudete le scuole! Fermate gli sfratti!
- Proteggete i lavoratori sanitari!
- Ricoverate i malati!
Soccorritore lento:
"Sapevo che era una pandemia, anche se l'ho chiamata Notizie False. Questo si chiama Genio!"

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When I made these images a scant couple of years ago, I had not thought they would still be so very on point. Please be look after each other and stay safe.

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Jim Morin: Trump & GOP accomplices have turned us into the shining shitty on the hill - political cartoon gallery in London

23 26

President of the United Snakes of American
He's not my type.

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