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テルミン・アルバム"Airflow"は好評発売中です。テルミン即興多重録音を中心に、サイケからプログレ、ポップから実験音楽まで、様々なスタイルでテルミンの可能性を大きく広げる独創的で面白い作品集です。ぜひ聴いて下さい!各CDショップで注文できます。World Disqueと円盤には置いていただいてます
An incredible detailed look at the unidirectional of
pulmonary airflow of the savannah monitor lizard using computational fluid dynamics simulations by @Wasatchquatch! https://t.co/Qcv3xSYabf #dataviz
airflow - Mr.T https://t.co/Bs3SHkU9ZC @YouTubeより
ぜひとも聴いてほしい!!8th style だから2002年の曲だぁ!?w
"More airflow!" they say, while removing another piece of their home.
"Go higher, the island will never fall!" they say, smiling at one another. // DAY 8 - FRAIL #inktober
It took two days, but I finished rearranging my living room and work area so it looks like this! The computer area is so much less cramped and has proper airflow now, it'll really help with getting stuff done!
Ben Franklin campaigned hard for the wild turkey being our national bird. We agree! Here's some of our turkey work for #IndependenceDay. Nasal airflow w/ @Ninjemys: https://t.co/DJXtEUQxwZ. Head vasculature w/ Ruger Porter: https://t.co/seGGtLgOrc. Inner ears w/ @hyaenaDon!
Our @elife ms on auk landings is out https://t.co/MnJ6eEqcd2! It brings together airflow modelling round @Skomer_island by @AndrewRossLeeds & @moving animals, probabilistic models from Andy Neate @swanseaUni & data from @Emma_Owl_Cole 's @SwanBioMRes. @ERC_Research #ornithology
Order for my 3D print placed. Hopefully this really improves airflow in my fursuit head.
My take on Airflow, a #zahahadid #architects #mathematics #exhibition @sciencemuseum Fab.
About to take the recycling down to the Marukyu, looking fly af. #unnecessarilydressedup #itishotinJapan #dressesforairflow