[NEW] Artist Victoria sent over the final draft for Unreleased Part 02. Image and Journal entry based on unreleased script.

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Looking for something to read this weekend? Then why not pick up a copy of "Maria the Vampire Princess: The Sleeping Heir?" Available on Amazon and Tapas.

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I love all things moon, including stories whether they are written for youth or not. This story is so sweet and has the magical touch of a harvest moon. Loved it.

Luna the Moon Pig https://t.co/nkCwnrm1ZW via

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"If there's one thing I'd like children to gain from reading my book series it would be a sense of WONDER and curiosity about the world we live in, and the SELF-CONFIDENCE to EXPLORE and enjoy their lives"

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👩‍💻📚🐾 “The Diaries of Liberty the Pug” Beautifully illustrated children’s books. Liberty shares love, kindness, caring, fun, cuddles, 🐶 kids learn love 4 animals. AmazonBooks.

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A tale of a caterpillar who wants to fly and her interaction with all the creatures around her who encourage and support her.

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I simply adore this cover of my best-selling poetry book 😍

For those lovers of my here's a high-def picture for you to enjoy...


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