Here’s a doodle for my favorite podcast! I love you guys and your show!

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Oh that one's easy. I'm an Indie Game Dev. All any anything I make or receive goes into my work until it's done. Then it's on to the next project and the cycle starts all over again.

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✦Story and Art by Mike Wolfer
✦Colors by Ceci de la Cruz
✦Inks by Mario Zimprich
✦Lettering by Natalie Jane

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Give 'em a flake and they'll take your whole arm.

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Frostfire Figurine, Szechaun Sauce and Butter Bot have been added to the game! Because we don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!

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Recorded with a friend, he told me of another friend with 1.5K subs. Had a skype talk with the 1.5K sub friend. He invited me to a UHC and we teamed in the UHC

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Another great one from ThisandThat

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It’s ya boi aka imjustprocrastinatingbecauseimworriedpeoplewontlikemycomicandthatmyartsucksorthatitwontgooverwellandillhavetogetanitherjobtofeedmyself
Lol what a while ride

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Bit of personal work, drawing flowers and that

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Grand Poobah The First Tour Captain of Whitestone with his official hat!

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Spyke! the hair was a pain. started it yesterday with sketches and lineart and today I finished the color and shading andthat jazz

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