画質 高画質


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I was also starting to learn how to switch to indexed colors on gimp thanks to my friends and
and starting to use dithered surfaces for some things

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i pot da nu fourgee's un da gee~
i trahp unteel da bludi bootums iz undahneef

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So another try to use and my bad editing skill in to bring close to real life view characters from I'm still fall in love with future IDA School, so... welcome

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First time drawing Milk on her birthday~! 🦷🍭🎂 And Jammer Dee's there who is expected to woo her but got his tooth pulled out instead....

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So I started testing around with GIMP (Photoshop costs like crazy, would love to use it otherwise) using an screenshot of the sketch of the monster from the fanfics I've written (I don't know how you can fade out picture ;w;)

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It may be the Spring, but I want to be there and just relax.🌸🍵

Anyway, this is the second of the 3 rewards this month, available on my Patr30n until March 31st.
(Link in bio)


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パンスト大好き過ぎて一時期モロに影響受けたような絵ばっかり描いてました あの作品は個人的人生のバイブルのひとつだと思う

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7. Whatever this wretched thing is - 9/10
I would give him the last sexy point if he put on a gimp mask with this outfit. No further comment.

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