A heavyweight purpose lifted from his lips, feathers quivering to sun-lined clouds. He can't hear their belittling anymore. They can't account for his choice without angering the devils as the earth cracks.

9 61

I allowed your ghost to be the only audience of my ashes falling to wet earth amid faraway trees, soon after buried shallow under radio silent hills. Why are we only released in echoed unrest? We deserve more than caves.

13 65

We eyed askance the cobblestone path to a cavern beyond sunset trees, agreeing to never set foot on its impulsively combustible dirt. They say gnomes are carried to its depths where their spirits may exact revenge.

6 25

Oh, never mind the cold. It's temporary, isn't it? I like to focus on the sunrise instead—how its light is a canopy amid spirals bright as sports drinks. Hope breaking grey skies to add warmth to haplessness. The things we think when waiting for beginnings. 2

5 29

Late winter clouds dust the horizon, calling on the summer sun to tease deathly eyes with their first bloom. I spy peeking petals fluttering like fancy fish swimming to a meal, my hands aching to touch them. Or is it the wind making them somewhat blubbery? 1

5 44

Swimming against a riptide
Of troubled waters

Floating around
In our virtual reality dream

Hoping when we all wake up
There is still magic
In the world

Art | Pinterest

11 34

Sirens called them to Finisterre where the sea split what was beastly from Prince Adam's deviled heart. His maudlin wails avalanched the curse, prompting a deep breath of change; & the rose petals scattered in a gust.

7 50

Blood continued to drip
Oh what a tale it told
The atlas contained a hidden story
Secrets of the wealth of old
Turmoil was the realm’s legacy
Nothing survived the encroaching tide
Just a haunted map of a haunted place
Where hands of power & plunder still reside

2 7

In the quiet night
With a touch and a whisper
You enter my dreams

7 18

You'll find her poetry
In silent darkness
As the moon covers the sun
Or when you're dressed
For death
It'll be the last taste
On your tongue
An echo
Amongst stars
Calling you in the night
You'll find her poetry
Is your shining light

36 98

They told her
His music was lost
Love was never meant to last
But she can hear
His haunting melody
And the beautiful song
His ghost whispers
From the past

40 92

Too soon petals pale
Fade with departing summer
Fall's frenzy arrives

Image: Pinterest

1 2

I braved the mystery isle
Dark dawning sky
Belies a once enchanted land
Shrouded in a noxious mist
Castle ruins, city wasted
Translucent wings of broken queens
Like crystal cracked & seeping
Its fragile beauty
Could not resist
Fury of greed hate

3 8

I don't know if our saga
Is a love story
Or a ghost story
But I remember the mountain
Where we hung the moon
And our secret night garden
Where grey mist rises
And wild orchids bloom

Art | Lovesove

50 145

Holy spells and snails, did you think when I asked what is it that you seek I was going to stand here and listen to you rattle off vaudeville clichés and insults? I have no answer for you, just a suggestion…stay warm.

3 9

she walks at midnight
eerie visitor
from other realms
her breath
of stardust
brings dreams
of passion
fingertip traces
lips waiting
for kisses
in her wake
Virgo weeps
tears of fire
still burning
moon glow
washing away
yesterday’s shadows

16 321

6 29


The magic of a sea witch
But so do voices crying
Exposing racists as it brings
A suffering espying
Intolerance, but Ariel
Will prove a mermaid's story.
The color of her skin won't fail;
Her blackness shines in glory.

26 95

A mythic creature of the land
A vision of ancient power
One look in his feral eyes
You were his to devour
Sage wisdom I failed to heed
He bade me come to his side
I gave him my body and my soul
In his world I must now abide

3 9

The mountains
Are in mourning
Every new moon is blue
The rain is melodious
And I am lost here
In the lake of dreams
Without you

Art | Jessica Allain

47 128