2020.06.06 Witch's Chapel in Serendia



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Its been one of those Mondays - have some alt screenies & let's try again tomorrow! Hang in there!

[NA] Yesoma |

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More orchestrated fun w/ from yesterday's little play & shoot. A big congrats to her for weapon enhancement success!

[NA] Yesoma |

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It's a simple shot.. but one filled w/ memories - the lighting isn't quite right, but we've got at least one more day to make an attempt.

[NA] Yesoma

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Kinda nice to have a screenie contest looking back at the past stuff to recreate - have a few in mind. For now.. more oldish-new screenies while me & deliberate

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Managed to win this lovely outfit - which is a nice change from Cokro... but still not convinced I'm happy w/ her looks...

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All right, one more day - then it's back to more sorting, new shots, & whatnots: JustaWeeb, Amboadia, Danntalion, Laverett, GM_Shikai, EternalMystery, Lpwithluise, & more (though not all pictured).

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Obligatory green Guardian & another for the beauty album -
(yes, I forgot to take proper screenies - so just snippets from when me & were comparing)

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Don't forget to do your New Year quest & let loose the lanterns! I love that it's at the site of Corium's Cliff (head canon).

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Last chance for the Berserk collab event in BDO! These are a few shots from when me & had a spare moment to do the quest.

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Our latest nightmare photoshoot - lovingly named this costume ensemble "Tooth Fairy"...

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Something a little different before we carry on w/ the spookies! Happy weekend everyone!

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