Five years of remembrance. A great big thank you to good friends & memories 🏮

[NA] Yesoma | |

0 16

Another intermission of Terrmian screenies - posting some oldies, but goodies..

[NA] Yesoma |

0 23

Sorry I missed a post or two - feeling much better today, so have some of the alter egos running amuck together.

[NA] Yesoma |

0 24

Ever get a Tuesday that feels like a Monday? Oof.. Good thing there's screenies of better days.

[NA] Yesoma |

0 21

Tried making a Nova - will fiddle more before I decide on the one I want to keep.. also ran around Winterpark, though strangely enough.. wasn't wintery for me...

[NA] Yesoma |

1 27

More of the same... the old & the bestie.. but the weekend approaches, so there's that to look forward to!

[NA] Yesoma |

0 23

Just some random screenies during our O'dy questing (pssst.. give us the squirrelly pets...)

[NA] Yesoma |

0 17

Have some eerie & mysterious aesthetic screenies as we get nearer to Halloween..

[NA] Yesoma |

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More orchestrated fun w/ from yesterday's little play & shoot. A big congrats to her for weapon enhancement success!

[NA] Yesoma |

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