It’s okay to ask for help, let’s keep the conversation going.

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Being you get into places not normally seen by our visitors.
This morning I’ve just been up under supervision as one of our has broken.

They must have been going like the clappers!

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Charity Livestream starting now charities are all about Mental Health tide yourself over with the preshow as I set up.

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Everything is tragic.

I don't want to talk about it. But you can talk to me. I will always listen.

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I want every9ne to know even in the dark times there is hope and you can make mental illness better. I have CPTSD and DID and if you ever need to talk just message me. My own mental health made m3 realise I want to be a mental Health Counselor.

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A sketch I did while back. A little gory but I think it gets the point across.

You don't have to hide. Talk to someone. They'll listen.

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🔁 TaeTae y Tannie apoyando a esta gran causa.

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Whether you're in need of help or if you want to help; reach out. Help end the stigma surrounding and join in the conversation.

"Always with me" by KlarEm:

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Try to take a non judgmental stance on your thoughts and let them come and go. Just because you think it, doesn’t mean you become it. Congratulate yourself for all the process you made and remember to speak as if you were talking to someone you love.✨

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It’s for every tweet made (with the media video view (on their respective pages)& use of their Facebook frame or Snapchat filter Bell world donate 5¢ towards mental health initiatives in Canada!Help end mental health stigma. Spread the word!

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Imagine if you faced judgment and stigma for going to the doctor for a broken arm. Mental health conditions and injuries should be treated no differently. Today and everyday let’s work to end the stigma. The first step is talking.

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One thing that has helps me with my is creative expression. I am a writer so I decided to write my comic TAINTED. It was about my struggle but i also wanted to tell a captivating story. I think I achieved my goal! Check it out!

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For me, art can turn my worst day in to a good day. Art is therapy....Adrift 12x24” oil on canvas

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Just a few of the we have in store to help get the conversation going! 💕🇨🇦📚

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𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓁 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓉𝒽 is just as important as physical health. Remember that. 🧠

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Ladies and gents and fellow geeks, it's Day, so let's talk. I'm gonna lay down a little bit of truth for you, starting with the fact that I suffer from a pretty intense mixture of depression and anxiety.

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Sleep is a needed to keep your mind fresh & rested. People with depression want to sleep all the time. They can never get enough to feel refreshed. We're not lazy, sleepy or pathetic. We're trying to survive another day!

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Reach out to one another. You are not alone.

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Here’s a vignette with one of my demons, my anxiety. 😬 He’s just a dumb little ghost who worries too much and to be honest? I kind of love him 1/3

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