We spend billions of dollars looking for life on other planets and spend trillions of dollars killing our planet... 🦋LJC

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📖Have you alrady read chapter one?
🙏Help ClimateWorm to get back to his friends


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L'année la plus chaude du siècle dernier, sera la plus fraîche des 100 prochaines années, à moins que nous ne décidions de la changer... Mais agissons-nous vraiment pour la changer !? 🤔#ClimateActionNow

16 31

The fluids can be purified to a point where it can be drinkable water, but municipalities and industry have deemed that too costly. What is the cost of NOT doing it?

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We need that change and action to start now so it can accelerate during the coming crucial decade. We need morality and courage in the coming crucial hours. Leaders - play your part. We need action now!!!

4 10

It's a conundrum. We live in a world of contradictions Please make worth the trip!

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CLIMATE CRISIS - All Hands on Deck. The future depends on us. (A new design for the fight for our future). https://t.co/8opEV3pBto

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“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.”
~Leo Tolstoy~

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