reread soem old notes of my irlgroups first adventure, Hoard of the Dragonqueen. We snatched some eggs and me bein all weird as an drconic ancestry sorceress tryin to hatch one and giving it all the love I had. (1/2)

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Here's a drawing of The Dragon Queen (who I probably need to rename cause I'm not liking her current name for some reason.)

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Part 4 of our card review is out! Today we take a look at Sanctuary, Flik Skyshiv, Valdris Felgorge, Chromatic Egg, Chenvaala, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and more! Check it out here: https://t.co/H70ya5UxvZ

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Drawing MDZS OCs put me in such a MDZS binging mood again ☺
//for dragonQueenRamoth@ dA

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The halfling druid babe I'm playing in our current campaign! She has a mission but is actually just sticking to it for the fun and I love her

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New artwork up on my Instagram page: https://t.co/UxCsTAumlZ

Today’s drawing features my take on visual from Season8... Enjoy!

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The Dragonqueen.

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Floral bust commission for dragonqueenramoth
~collab with

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Lights Way Home

for DragonQueenRamoth! I really enjoyed working on this one!

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Commission for DragonQueenRamoth @ dA!

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"DragonQueen" by Cushart https://t.co/1GrSWw2tkP

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Commission I did over at DA for DragonQueenRamoth <3 The little nubby hands kill me

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DLサイトコムにてDL版DragonQueen's4販売開始しました https://t.co/pwuW2h98zr

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DragonQueen’s3幹事として話をしてあったのは抱きたい女性。ランチタイム中のお姉さんを本能の逝くままにナンパしてみまし抱きたい女性はパクっと咥えて http://t.co/KuDfmZrODF

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