We've rounded up a bunch of high Legend Standard decks from Week 3 of Descent of Dragons - both meta and off-meta choices! If you're looking for a deck to climb the ladder with, you should definitely check them out: https://t.co/Htcl43GKxh

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🐉Illustration made for expansion!🐉 Click on the second pic to see all the steps!

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We've rounded up a few most promising and fun builds from Day 1 of Descent of Dragons. While Galakrond Shaman is dominating so far, it's not the only deck with lots of potential. Check them out here: https://t.co/5DqWLtg0Z3

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Descent of Dragons expansion releases in just ~4 hours! Learn everything you need to know about it (such as about the freebies you're going to get, arena rotation or our general advice) with this handy launch survival guide: https://t.co/ffpE76bAZe

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More theorycrafts from Descent of Dragons coming your way! This time talks about the new Dragon package and built eight decks around Dragons theme. Check them out here: https://t.co/5uMGSqExxK

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So what if I'm ill. I can still sketch and eat crisps, right?<_<

Sketch for Blizzard's Fan Art Brawl created by

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Part 7 of our card review is out! Today we take a look at Wing Commander, Storm's Wrath, Sky Claw, Galakrond the Tempest, Rolling Fireball, Mana Giant and more! Check it out here: https://t.co/lKyUpavKmR

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In our first theorycraft article, takes a look at the new Highlander package, compares it to oldschool package, and builds Highlander decks for every class. Check out the entire article here: https://t.co/bbdOMV5dHA

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All 140 cards from Descent of Dragons were revealed. Thank you for another wonderful reveal season - hope you had a great time! :) You can check out a full list of Descent of Dragons cards in our guide: https://t.co/aFSoRLSS8v

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New card from Descent of Dragons expansion revealed - Hippogryph! https://t.co/SknsJxkmV6

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We've already seen over half of the new cards - what do you think about Descent of Dragons so far? Do you agree that it looks powerful? Is card design fun so far? Check out a full expansion guide with all new cards here: https://t.co/aFSoRLSS8v

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New card from Descent of Dragons expansion revealed - Nithogg! https://t.co/O3OT0OZ0HR

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Part 4 of our card review is out! Today we take a look at Sanctuary, Flik Skyshiv, Valdris Felgorge, Chromatic Egg, Chenvaala, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and more! Check it out here: https://t.co/H70ya5UxvZ

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New Mage Legendary from Descent of Dragons revealed - Chenvaala! https://t.co/5FtLrGvuZ5

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