
9 44

SanYon part 4, 5 and part final

I really want draw more, i like draw, but my phone is... ah

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I cant keep these guyz off my mind

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Mabel's most recent scrapbook page!♡♡♡
I'm really proud of this so I hope you guy's like it!!

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Raph n Mikey sure like to experiment with each other when it’s late at night or when no one else is home. What I’d give to be a fly on that wall. 👀💦

( 🖼 by )

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This is the scene that plays out in my head when they’re in high school, and their parents have turned out the light. Silently, Dipper tiptoes down the hall to her room, where she’s awaiting his arrival, yearning to share the night in each other’s arms.

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I'm too tired to draw something more interesting 😔

Now I only draw things that make me happy

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Let’s start the week with something sweet. This work from exemplifies warmth and passion. I love how the artist aged them up, crafting realistic features, while maintaining the innocent romance that grew from the days of chasing each other through the forest.

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Here we have another one of my favorite Pinecest comics, lovingly crafted by the legendary This one is wholesome to the n-th degree, and brimming with fluffiness and humor - very much in my wheelhouse. The genuine love on display here is captivating.

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Jumping back to another remarkable piece from I love the subtleties in this one. Besides the gentle, passionate kiss, there’s the wedding ring, the light blushing, the moon in the corner, and Mabel’s accoutrements, each lending a delightful believability.

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I can’t express how much I love these two and the amazing artists who brought them to life. I’m tapping again; with gems like this, how could I not? It’s flirty, sweet, playful…everything they are. Plus, the look Mabel has? Dipper is blissfully doomed.

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I adore this work by for so many reasons. The watercolor style is such a unique format for the genre, but above all is the kiss. The passion between the two of them is unmistakeable and the little smile they can’t hide as their lips meet melts my heart.

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This picture is pure, unadulterated love, as envisioned by the amazing Even in the chilliest of conditions, their love and devotion to each other will always provide the warmth they need to take on any force that seeks to separate them. A love for the ages.#pinecest

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It pains me to know that today is the tenth anniversary of GF premiering, namely because it highlights that I came into the community way too late. Regardless, I appreciate all of you and will continue to help document the beauty that is Pinecest. (art: )

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A sweet, silly comic by that beautifully harnesses the playful innocence that defines their relationship. I can totally see Mabel reeling Dipper into making such an admission. 😁 I also really love the selective use of color; gives it a great classic feel.

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