As a society we need to make catcalling, wolf whistling and unacceptable ❤️

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Recieved this today from Teachers
Share this far and wide this can not be acceptable, 14 day incubation period is where? , what about the staff the students the familys that will go unknown now. Hse this is neglect at its finest time to blow this open ‼️‼️‼️

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An unarmed black man gets shot 7x in the back but a white teen shoots two people and walks past police before getting arrested. There's no denying racial inequality in the US.

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⚠️🚨TW: death, abuse, police brutality, injured child, miscarriage🚨⚠️
Korryn Gaines was a 23-year old African American woman who graduated from Baltimore City College 2010

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🌏☮️ ✊🏾
It is time to stand for what is right for all of us no matter what and at the end of the day all we all human beings ~ I have a dream is to make the future a better place ~ RIP George Floyd ~

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Today, 18 October 2019, marks the 12th anniversary of the

.: Victims must have justice, including financial compensation, for the abuses they suffer.

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