Several St Jeromes, love the running dog (Knight, Death & the Devil), unusual grisaille procession for a Passion series & fabulous drawing from life by Dürer - an 👨‍🎨 so engaged with the world around him, witnessed in ofaRenaissanceArtist

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Short-Haired Nii :D Practiced colouring sketches some more... At some point I might use the grisaille method paired with multiply layers, dunno

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. 『グリザイユ画法で描いたトイプードル』
(Toy poodle drawn by grisaille painting method)

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Just starting to add touches of colour to Clara’s grisaille making progress with lips & nose - now she looks like she’s got a cold !🤧😲
Better hurry up and add colour to the rest of her face 😂

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To grisaille or not to grisaille? Well certainly not the way I did it here! It’s easy to make mud with ink. If you are going to color a grisaille, Don’t glaze the colours too much- rather, apply fresh colours mostly where the paper was left white. At least, that’s what I’m g…

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Haven't drawn these two in too long. ♥ Some Haurchefant & Emet-Selch. Speaking of which, this makes me want to actually write out Grisaille's 5.0-6.0 story and stick it on a carrd or something somewhere since Endwalker's totally going to make me expand on it.

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Retour sur le passé! Petite pause sur la grisaille de l'automne avec une Jinn estivale! Fait en 2018.
Back from the past! Let's forget the grey skies of fall with a summer Jinn! Made in 2018.

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Yoko Belnades comforting Fiona Belli. ✨
A drawing for Dreamer MJ.

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Oh geez I haven't done grisaille since uh college?? I love the technique but I'm not the best at it 😓

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I'm not very good at coloring, so I'm practicing the grisaille painting method...
And I'm trying out the time lapse in Clip Studio!

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Tried coloring from grayscale from Deep Blizzard's Grisaille to Color video. It's a neat method, but not one I'll use consistently.

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For the first time, I tried the grisaille technique. It's difficult, but I like it. It has become very fun to draw.

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more experimenting. i decided to do another greyscale to color piece/grisaille. im trying to get more experimental because i dont really think the style i have is unique enough

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Characters are copyrighted by Blaze Darkley.

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Morning selfie. Experimenting with colour and grisaille underpainting.

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Tried out painting using the Grisailles method! It was interesting but the flowers took me forever T^T
Chara is Sophia Ascart from My Next Life as a Villianess: All Routes Lead to Doom! 🤍
She is very sapphic and I love her >.<

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Decided to take a swing at That Meme with Lightbreaker. Haurchefant Grisaille and Emet-Selch, probably in the middle of a conversation with Leuna.

As FR!Haurchefant once bravely said,
"Tu veux toucher mes muscles?"

Yes. Yes, Emet-Selch does, kinda, and he hates it.

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There are clearly leaves on the trees but this is still one of my favorites so far.
Prompt: A Forest of Gnarled, Leafless Trees | Vaporwave | Grisaille Painting

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