When I have trouble with coloring, I often look at it in monochrome. When I paint with watercolors using the grisaille technique, the colors always end up dull...

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pixivFANBOXでgrisaille線画GIFアニメ化11 ヨーコを公開しました! https://t.co/nejqLNwdGQ

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ファンティアに投稿しました!「grisaille線画GIFアニメ化11 ヨーコ」 https://t.co/VxzwdAoa4D

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under drawing
glacis https://t.co/cdBSy0yAco

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I changed to grisaille painting like this, but this colorless state is also a littl......H

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Quelques images du processus !
Beaucoup de questionnement durant la phase de colorisation et de complications pour tenter de maîtriser la grisaille afin d'appliquer les couleurs par dessus.

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1 - gouache black and white
2 - black watercolor

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Drew a grisaille of Keanu Reeves as a saturday practice

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Digitally glazed the grisaille portrait and this is it! I’m cunty I’m pretty I’m gorgeous i am The Moment

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Two of my works from the collection "My fantasies" are made in an interesting technique of wine grisaille

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gm mess makers! keep on truckin

👇 grisaille beginnings over burnt sienna

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Madonna z Dzieciątkiem
1518r. 85x70cm
Bernard van Orley

Śpiewającym aniołom odpowiadają echem w niebie anioły grisaille. Tło świadczy o świadomości malarza co do rozwijającego się gatunku pejzażu, a misternie zdobiona fontanna zawiera motywy włoskiego renesansu.

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Grisaille, mon ptit perso pour une aventure D &D commencée ce weekend ! ✨

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