Really neat photos taken showcasing the holotype for Brachauchenius lucasi. These were uploaded by Kenneth Carpenter on Wikipedia just this March. I've actually never seen a lateral of this specimen but not surprised at how crushed it is.

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Dino Fact:

Tongtianlong (Tongtianyan Dragon) is an Oviraptorid from Late Cretaceous China. The holotype was found by construction workers... as they were blowing the land up to build a new high school. Based on rocks around it, it likely died stuck in mud.

Art: Jack Wood

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But another fossil that associates a mandible and cranial material is OH 13, and that also shows a number of dental and mandibular similarities with KNM-ER 992, as Bernard Wood has repeatedly emphasized. In those ways, OH 13 is actually different from OH 7, the habilis holotype.

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KNM-ER 992 was one of the fossils discovered by Richard Leakey's field team that were claimed as holotypes for species named by other scientists: in this case Homo ergaster. This "taxonomic scramble" of the 1970s and 1980s left a harmful legacy in

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Because of the lack of ability to look at the holotype, informally it has been stated that the ribs and verts are also questionable, and the mis-scaled tail when re-scaled brings an animal only slightly larger than Deinonychus. Ultimately, because the lack of veracity...

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Hollyhocks, tulips and hydrangeas - some popular garden flowers from the for The hydrangea specimen is the holotype for Hydrangea aspera collected in Nepal in 1802:

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Public Service Announcement: I've got a new article out on the history of the 's Daspletosaurus holotype in this month's Prehistoric Times magazine.

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of Masterpisces, though it looks a little like Dunkleosteus, is the oldest known vertebrate to give birth to live young. The holotype was found in 2005 in the Gogo Formation in Australia.

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Paranthropus aethiopicus is one of the fossil species that may be a "nomen dubium". The holotype specimen is Omo 18-18, a jaw that lacks any tooth crowns. What remains isn't distinct from large samples of P. boisei or P. robustus.

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Many of the most important fossils of human relatives are distorted or fragmented. TM 1517 is the holotype of Paranthropus robustus, found in 1938. Here I've done a reconstruction by mirror-imaging the parts that survived fossilization and erosion.

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The Holotype of Hyolithes baconi from the Ordovician Trenton Fm. in Rock County, WI. Hyolitha is a particularly enigmatic group, but was recently classified as a lophophorate, making it closely related to brachiopods. Type Collection

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The new skeletal looks sweet! Ichthyovenator's tail shape would make a lot more sense with this interpretation, though its holotype still lacks many caudals so even that's not certain at the moment. I wonder how extensive the "paddle" might have been compared to Spinosaurus...

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Fun fact, I actually redid a whole new Procompsognathus for the article, but ended up going with the old one anyway 'cause I liked how I snuck in the articulated hindlimb from the holotype.

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New online: Trotteyn & Ezcurra – Redescription of the holotype of Chanaresuchus bonapartei Romer, 1971 (Archosauriformes: Proterochampsidae) from the Upper Triassic rocks of the Chañares Formation of north-western Argentina

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June 12, 1870, birthday of German paleontologist Ernst Stromer von Reichenbach. Famous for the discovery of the holotype of Spinosaurus aegyptiacus

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🇧🇴This tiny interathere jaw from is now the holotype of a Juchuysillu ("small hoof" in Quechua) arenalesensis (the fossil site). Reconstruction by w. a mesothere notoungulate behind it. Published in

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For (and to coincide with the 10th anniversary of 's VMMB re-opening), here's the holotype foot of the ornithomimid Struthiomimus altus from the CMN collections, alongside images from Lambe's 1902 description of the specimen.

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The holotype of Ornitholestes is mounted in such as a way so it looks like the two of you have just met to negotiate business-y things and it's offering a firm handshake.

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We found one in the stomach of Rhombophryne vaventy when we micro-CT scanned the holotype :)

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and I guess Exhibit C would be this cutie I described a few years ago: Enneaphormis tippula Renaudie & Lazarus 2016 (here the holotype from the late Miocene of ODP site 746A).

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