Good games to SOS-Adesni. I'm learning that Huitzil's c.LP can be pretty good at stuffing incoming Sasquatch dashes. Of course I have to time and predict it properly. 😅#Darkstalkers

5 13

Does Huitzil count? Out of the four you listed, I'd probably choose Demitri.

0 1

Huitzilopochtli’s first shrine was built on the spot where priests found an eagle poised upon a rock and devouring a snake, an image so important to Mexican culture that it is portrayed on the national flag of Mexico.

5 11

I want to mention the god of medicine and healing who also protect children in their asleep. He is believed to be the brother of and I'm curious about his obsidian mask and why he is called lieutenant?

6 26

Huitzil! Love that transforming ancient robot with all his awesome moves and animations.

5 20

I also draw illustrations of They are the god of war🌄, and the god of rain🌧️, to whom the twin temples at the top of the Great Pyramid at are dedicated.

5 28

Individual shots of Huitzil / Pyron
and Darkstalkers are here to cook up some hotpockets, probably kill everyone on earth, idk

5 15

I finally finished that piece of Darkstalkers fanart!

NOW everyone is here, Pyron and Huitzil came in late...
got me heated i'm now a Puzzle Fighter god

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Huitzil from Darkstalkers. One of Daigo's mains back in his Darkstalkers days, and you can see a lot of what Capcom ended up doing with their take on Sentinel in him. All sorts of transforming weapon gadgets, missiles, beams, and so forth.

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I had a dream about Huitzil fighting Sentinel last night. Too bad we never got to see that matchup in an MvC game.

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Those who have played the originally unplayable bosses Huitzil and Pyron in Darkstalkers 1 via have likely noticed that you get this generic ending sequence when beating the game with them:

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Since I've been playing Huitzil online via and chuckin' those Might Launchers, it's timer to post this again:

11 37

I'd love it. And I promise you I'll like and RT if you draw Huitzil.

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Huitzil/Phobos and Cecil never get fan art. Allow me to change that.

40 89


Thanks to for collecting a couple of my most recent pieces.

Very much appreciated!

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