Día 5, Dios 5.


Bueno creo que de él no tengo que decir mucho ya que es de los más conocidos de México xd

4 31

👀(I added a little interaction for both of them)
mischievously pestered while he was dressing up in the early morning😘💙

3 16

Servant Review - ★4 SR Pretender Tlaloc

A mysterious Servant who refers to herself as both the god Tlaloc and the god Huitzilopochtli.

Servant information: https://t.co/ie5NdRzIDc

33 270

Ellos,como la vieron, humilláronsele casi haciéndole reverencia como cosa divina. El águila, como los vido,
se les humilló bajando la cabeza a todas partes donde ellos estaban”. Esto es lo que narra Diego Durán sobre la señal divina que les mandó su deidad tutelar,Huitzilopochtli

22 223

I drew a recreation of this boy dressed as Huitzilopochtli and found near the Coyolxauhqui stone. It was for a research paper about diet and migration of peoples. Bone analysis showed kids who were offered like this often suffered from serious illnesses. https://t.co/M6eR1WVFfC

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Remasterización de las ascensiones de Tlaloc/Huitzilopochtli/Tenochtitlan en fin el Servant xd

17 92

Huitzilopochtli!! Hummingbird lord of war! ⚔️☀️
The design needs improvisation, I drew it in a rush for a collaboration (see lrt)

16 102

4 Tezcatlipocas
I made them in an anthropomorphic way with their symbolic animal that I will secretly do on another page, the main thing at the moment is ATF which will take time to get the last of Truffles.

14 70

Para os astecas, o jogo representava uma batalha das forças noturnas lideradas pela Lua e estrelas contra o Sol personificado pelo Huitzilopochtli, o deus protetor.

Os sacrifícios humanos tinham, assim, a função de manter o sol iluminando a Terra.

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-the black one who was called Tlaltetecuin-
In my story, he has special importance for Huitzilopochtli who is his only master.

17 84

Rediseño de Huitzilopochtli, estuve días trabajando en esto, pero parece que este será el diseño final. Me falta probar versiones más simplificadas del vestuario, como pa' que ande más cómodo 🤔

24 142

Here’s a Huitzilopochtli doodle. He’s also an important character in my story, but not in the way you may think :)

13 56

our moon enchantress adorned with bells.🌒🌕🌘
She is the sister of and and leads the stars of the southern sky. Her representational is the battle against Huitzilopochtli.🌄

12 35

Huitzilopochtli’s first shrine was built on the spot where priests found an eagle poised upon a rock and devouring a snake, an image so important to Mexican culture that it is portrayed on the national flag of Mexico.

5 11

I want to mention the god of medicine and healing who also protect children in their asleep. He is believed to be the brother of and I'm curious about his obsidian mask and why he is called lieutenant?

6 26

I also draw illustrations of They are the god of war🌄, and the god of rain🌧️, to whom the twin temples at the top of the Great Pyramid at are dedicated.

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