Only independent commission could be empowered to “call for witness” to investigate each case, not the capability of could do. If still insist the set up for independent commission was unnecessary, that means it’s the order from🇨🇳

6 9

additional information
Why IPCC is useless
is a lier, she wants to threat deceive to the

7 10

„Weltklimarat fordert Kehrtwende bei Landnutzung:
Dürren, Hitzewellen, Wasser- und Nahrungsmangel – Kein Weitermachen wie bisher“

9 21

When climate scientist Dr Jonny Williams sent 11TB of data to the UK he didn’t give the size of the transfer a 2nd thought. REANNZ delivered it in 24hrs without scrambling or dropping data

8 20

Global glacier mass changes from 1961 to 2016: improved observations show that glaciers contributed 27 ± 22 millimetres to global mean sea-level rise, mass loss (47 Gt/yr) 18% larger than estimated in IPCC AR5.

90 89

Ummm, yes please! For realz, we'd love to see + about crossing structures & associated fencing. Ping

Did you see haikus + watercolours about 2013 IPCC report by ?

0 4

Your support would be appreciated at
Become a Patron for more cartoons, gifs, and behind the scenes videos.

12 17

Most British newspapers led with a snog on Strictly over the latest "1.5 degrees or we fry" report.

8 10

With the suggesting we may only have 12 years left to deal with climate change before it's really, REALLY, too late, here's a dystopian vision from our debut issue that examines what might happen if we finally, fatally, ail to act.

2 2

New cartoon: Welcome to the new IPCC Report! Will it be a Banksy? H/t

29 37

working group co-chair : Net zero emissions of CO2 must reach zero by 2050. That is the most important finding of the report. We are at a crossroads. What happens between now and 2030 is critical.

401 328

working group co-chair Jim Skea: It is possible within the laws of physics and chemistry to limit temperature increases to 1.5°C. We have given the evidence to governments. Is is their responsibility to decide whether they can act upon it .

219 197

Raksa mock promotional image for IPCC 2014 presentation in 80s cartoon treatment. Good luck!

4 6

Alhamdulillah. Raksa is shortlisted for IPCC 2014 interview. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes!

0 12

Sea-levels rising faster than IPCC projections Illustration courtesy Sourabh Phadke

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