Tener un control del tiempo es primordial a la hora de atacar o defenderte de los humanos, por ello una interfaz que te ayude con esto es muy importante.

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Not a lot to show this week, mainly some lighting changes. Nevertheless here's this week's blog update :D https://t.co/ox8yXMhMT8

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Nightwing in coming

This design for the glittering Nightwing hawk is so eye catching. looks so shiny I just want to touch it !!!!

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Stance Change Character
He transforms from a simple, kind hearted Knight to a menace on the battlefield! His staff transforms into a giant Scythe when he gets serious.

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New character art! Meet B. Swole, Red Head, Scarlett and Wreckingball!

New character models will be put in-game as they are developed. WAY more characters on the way, all with unique movesets.

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Meet the Redertuf, along with its ridable version, the beauty of the Enchanted Forest 😍🌲

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Hermea says hello! Here is the base sculpt model our amazing Art Lead Laura
created! It is in the process of being re-topologized and will be rigged soon!

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En d la sangre d obtenemos base d nuestro disolvente de todos los metales
From the blood of we obtain base of our solvent of all metals

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Una increíble mejora grafica y maravillosos paisajes nos proporciona el mas reciente motor de UE5.

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🌃 Another - another from Brave Tales project!

This creature can be found in swamps and forests of mythological Ancient Russia

Join us on Discord to help to grow our community 👇

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Los Gaki están eternamente hambrientos y sedientos, no importa cuanto coman nunca se sacian. Hay muchos tipos de ellos, cada uno sufre en relación a los pecados que cometieron en una vida pasada.

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From every one at Lunar Tale Games and the Phantom Hysteria Team we want to wish you a Very Merry Christmas!

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We will be taking a break for few days for the holidays!

On behalf of whole team, we would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas!

Thank you for all the support! You guys are best!🧡

Art by:

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Some environment concept for our upcoming game Deadulus Entanglement. Early access 17th January 2022🛸

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Ippondatara es un enemigo común que acecha los bosques de "Shintaro's Curse and the Soul Severing Blade" y dicen los rumores que surge del espíritu de un leñador que se cortó la pierna por accidente.

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