Sometimes all that is around, isn't ours for sure, but then make & gather as much pearls of memories you can, trust that's all one need to cherish, to live with a smile so pure and all yours...

1 3

He has
the voice of an angel
his whispered
sweet nothings
shiver then warm
intent on my skin
his words tremble
in forgotten places
the beautiful taste
of his kiss
promising heaven
floating on the wings
of his sensual sin

Art: Pinterest unknown

10 27

The pain was music, dancing, in your eyes. You swore the was a toothache. But your jaw was living
They say you lived, awake until the spiders emerged.

Art: Spiderbaby, D4rkharlequin

5 12

That one magical night
heavy breaths
but light were the hearts
like have taken off
our aged pain
haven't thought
of any gain
gone with flow
in arms of each other
melted down
in warm rain
of love
all drained were we
got rid of unseen
Alas was just a dream

4 8

Love lingers
on rivers at dusk
like honeysuckle kisses
pieced together
by softest inhales,
a home to stay in
where you lift me
off the ground
and feelings
never go
in days dipped
in tequila's dread.
I didn't know...

13 46

Late February soul,
why so hollow
and away from home?
No tenderness
but shadows
in a face barely touched
by time's intimacy,
sitting before
an open mic,
life elsewhere
without imagination's
there yet dead
in spirit.

15 64

He caressed the frayed,
our Devil's hatter,
darker than Plath's poetry,
deeper than sadness' tatter,
dust on one's skin
and silk on another,
his and hers
hidden in dusk
between damask silk walls
where light won't bother.

9 41

Questions cosmic tuned
Music in love built, rebuilt
Warmth in aftermath

Kisses in postcards
Soul whispers to another
From sleepy magic

The illustration is by Martina Stipan.

11 56

You know,
bourbon eyes
and cigar lips
in stitched smile
and jagged breath,
tin pan stars
falling like rain
over summery death,
last goodbyes
lost in tearful song,
unholy man's
valued in wrongs,

4 23

Sunshine whispers
in sugar cake drops,
little kisses
from angel wings
in a symphony
of breaths
melting the cold
like honey dreams
and wildflower
hips swinging,
legs galloping,
to truths
much sweeter
than his bitter.

5 35

In the dreams dreamt
Visions mindfully sent
Of swinging hips
And psychedelic trips
Amongst multicoloured
Scene's unexplored
While music plays
A haunting melody ablaze
Releasing a spirit untapped
An imagination trapped
Inside a broken soul
Not yet totally whole

1 5

Lonely tears dusting
Costing my cheer's day's behest
Moon's last serenade

9 39

Wish I could write to you
of radio rivers
that sing
the blues,
that truth can live
in its static
after one is due,
of hurts pushed away
when you add
cinnamon & cream,
of goodbyes
in lemonade perfume
& all in between.
Future Oddly Cute Girlfriend.

9 56

We're all small town blooms
with major city hearts,
in mortal growth
& less burdened
with art,
sometimes left
to breathe
citrus exhales
from trees,
nature's essence
frosty lips
to memories
more holy.

6 40

Ex love's thrown bouquets,
sent bruise-hearted to new eyes,
now in toasty soil.

5 27

Scattering dreams
like diamonds
by grief,
breaths folding
into moonbeams,
yet brief,
holding an avalanche
of fine gems
for tomorrow,
a curtain
close, tight,
sweetly slept
my mind
to write,

8 33

Burdens grope
tomorrow's views
with sin's mercy,
where rain is
for painting love
in the lost's eyes,
hiding captured emotions
in moments
of sanctuary
on the way out
of edges spiked,
but imagine
a life
well earned.

4 33

Amethyst velvet
spun part-time
over indigo dreams,
rain drumming
with reveries,
cherry kisses
on sunflower harps,
heaven's ricochets,
twilight's crescendo
caused by time
in soulful play.
his, her, their
misfit eye.

9 55

Yesterday’s tears
come up slowly
and I cannot breathe
It builds on the future
And it holds down
the past
I look to the North star
and I know
I need to move
But it comes up
so slowly
I cannot breathe

22 71