Tonight I'm gonna do something special. I'm going to start work on / Faction artwork LIVE! Tune in from about 9PM GMT. Hopefully an improved update to the original piece I did 2 years ago (wow!)

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AoS translation of Bloodbowl Preorder preview:
Pickup your Anvilgard City Guard, ideal for Broken Realms Morathi
Awesome Ironjawz base models with characterful grots
Great Dragon Ogor base model
Fantastic Treelord/Alternate drycha base model

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Broken Realms Morathi now up for pre-order! Help support the show and order yours through the link below!

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"Yes Sigmar?

"Do you wanna build a warband?
Lets start it up today
Morathi and Alarielle are SO on board
Go get your sword
it's time to fucking SLAYYYYYY

We used to be the Pantheon
But now we're not
I wish you would tell me whyyy
Do you wanna build a warband

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The most interesting thing about this artwork is that compositionally, it looks CROPPED... something is missing on the left hand side a whole third of the artwork I think.... perhaps someone is holding that chain??? Morathi maybe?

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"BROKEN REALMS" refers not to all the realms, but SPECIFICALLY to Hysh and Ulgu, the two realms that will find themselves completely SHATTERED when...

OUR QUEEN Slaanesh is unwittingly freed by Morathi, who is convinced she can control the Chaos God

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It's also been confirmed we are getting rules that will allow us to play "Big Morathi" and "Smol Morathi" on the board at the same time, as many were speculating after this art was released

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Here's a commission from of Morathi from Total War: Warhammer 2. With an alt including Malekith ,':^)

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I don't know a lot about her, but one person asked me to draw her

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If anyone's hyped for Shattered Realms: Morathi, here's a tidbit. The DOK vs IDK art has heavy parallels to the Nagash ritual art from the End Times.

The boat art was first seen in End Times: Khaine.

Does it mean anything? Not necessarily. But they're drawing from a good well

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Never doubt the true Queen of Shadow!

The Tayrathian Cult is in full support of Morathi and her goals!

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Looks like I'll finally be expanding my DoK from their current 1,000 points up to 2,000! So excited! I've had Morathi sitting in her box since she came out. Will finally have to get around to painting her.

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I disagree! Morathi is turning grey!
And its called art, brother!

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Sure, Morathi is the ultimate Milf, but Yvraine is the exemplar of the goth girlfriend you introduce to your Catholic parents on Thanksgiving dinner 😎

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Morathi is the ultimate milf 😎.
That's it. Just wanted to state a fact.

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80) Morathi, the Shadow Queen, Oracle of Khaine, claims to be the sole prophet of the ancient aelven god of murder. Only thing is, she is lying. She knows full well he is dead, and is squeezing the last few drops of power from his iron heart whilst furthering her own agenda

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Had this amazing model since Christmas last year, but 40K took all my time. That, and I'm absolutely shit scared of painting it... 😱 Building now though!

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