What do you see?

Marker and pen on photo paper, July 2022.

6 46

"Mozzarelum Tremendus"
Demon of type Kaiju 👹
Beast of titanic dimensions capable of reducing a city to rubble in a matter of hours 😯😯
Its power of destruction is very high⚡⚡⚡

0 5




1 $BNB

The beauty is in the mind!

My first art in

Buy in my collection: https://t.co/knuRJxj1EP


2 6

Fifty Days at Iliam. The Fire that Consumes All before It, 1978

20 75

`a neoexpressionist depiction of `

CLIP Guided Diffusion 1024x1024

0 26

Fifty Days at Iliam. The Fire that Consumes All before It, 1978 https://t.co/5LEQFHtwqV

7 37

Evil is Banal (1984)
by Marlene Dumas
Style: Neo-Expressionism

0 3

Fifty Days at Iliam. The Fire that Consumes All before It, 1978 https://t.co/5LEQFHtwqV

30 107