Finished up these two chaps for Think it might be time for a break from purple...

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💫💖🌈 Painted the first test model today for my army!!! Lemme know what you think! I’m still debating how to paint the metallic parts on these ghosts, otherwise I feel pretty happy with this colour scheme

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Four more ghosts for and Good fun to paint, bit more room to work than the Chainrasps

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More on my for After watching a lot of I've started drybrushing the squigs -much easier!

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Nearly finished the 1st batch of squig hoppers! Really happy with them. Bases left to do

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Didn't quite get the effect I was going for with these guys, but learned some more airbrush related lessons. Didn't think I liked Nighthaunt and was just painting them for practice, but they are some great models...

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First models of the year, following a few false starts with the new airbrush. Having fallen off the hobbystreak in 2018 a few times, thought I'd give a go and aim for 100 models. 93 to go! Thanks for making the resources!

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Another batch of zombies finished. That’s 33 miniatures complete for I won’t keep this pace up but I’m really enjoying the satisfaction of finishing the models now!

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A quickie vid for with link to the hobby log plus a showcase of the awesome community work from

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