This awesome fan art depicts what a new Atolm could look like. Thanks to Zakuman ( for contributing this to us.

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This took a good bit of the month to complete. Also, Discord really does not like a dragon standing on rocks for some reason.

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Check out this nice fan art of Azel with Orta's dragon! Thanks to Honey Lizabeth ( for the contribution.

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Two years ago, Michael Gadsby () contributed this awesome fan art of the Arachnoth battle from Panzer Dragoon Saga.

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Look at this awesome fan art of the Prototype Dragon! This fan art was contributed to us two years ago by .

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Check out this nice fan art of Azel and Edge! Thanks to Noahpatchi () for the contribution.

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This awesome fan art of the Blue Dragon flying over the water was contributed to us two years ago by Caption Panic (

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I finished that Guardian Dragon fan art I've been working on. You rarely see fan art of the Guardian Dragon in this form, so I decided to make this one.

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In this fan art, we see the Naraka Class Imperial Battleship flying in the sky. Art created by .

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Two years ago, contributed this great fan art of one of the airships that are encountered in Episode 5 of Panzer Dragoon.

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Stingers are one of the vehicles encountered in Panzer Dragoon Saga. They travel in squadrons and can move quickly.

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Lagi and Lundi battle the Guardian Dragon in this beautiful watercolor painting. This was contributed to us two years ago by .

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This cool fan art created by features characters from the series Uncle from Another World and the Blue Dragon in Episode 1 of the first Panzer Dragoon game.

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Nooth is the boss of Episode 5 in Panzer Dragoon II Zwei. It is a pure-type creature deployed by Shelcoof in an attempt to stop Lundi and Lagi.

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This awesome fan art depicts the Blue Dragon preparing to fire its lasers. contributed this to us two years ago.

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It's been a while since I last drew a picture of Azel, and I wanted to draw her in this style I've been making a lot of art with lately.

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