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@Luna_del_Alba This is a guess, how does Giovanni Battista Piranesi @ArtistPiranesi look? Thanks, @andreitr
View of the Basilica of S. Paolo fuori delle Mura [St. Paul outside the Walls], built by Constantine the Great, from Views of Rome, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1750 https://t.co/9BvyZiwP3N #museumarchive #aic
Красота Дома несказанна; Доброта его беспредельна.
(те воображаемые картины, что остались у меня в голове после чтения книги - лишь призрак; то, что получается зарисовать - призрак призрака)
@f_girasole @fiore_croix @dick_handley @claviggi @romewise @SandroBrizzola4 @Mustapha1508 @pontecorvoste @caputmundiHeidi @PasqualeTotaro @PeppeGaribaldi @Davidone74 @licausilvana @fiorillomanuel1 @AriannaAmbrosi0 @chiara92kalepa Piranesi - Rovine delle Terme Antoniniane .. vengo a rimorchio... Grazie sempre!
Pedestal of the column of Antoninus Pius, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 18th century https://t.co/yewqvfO4V7 #harvardartmuseums #giovannibattistapiranesi
Exhibition in Berlin, Kunstbibliothek: The Piranesi Principle: Marking the 300th Birthday of the Great Italian Master, through 7 February 2021. It is centred around Piranesi’s masterpieces of engraving, his books, pamphlets, satirical illustrations, and drawings.
Joseph Michael Gandy--a visionary architect and ruin-obsessed Romantic, who's sometimes referred to as the "English Piranesi". Was a slightly unfortunate soul... unrecognised in his time, dying in an asylum in Devon, with no record of his grave site.
Some familiar looking Bloodborne concept art side-by-side with one of Gustave Doré's London riverside streets + Piranesi's Imaginary Prisons. All feels very narrow and oppressive - the streets leaning in on you - as well lofty, various things dangling down & the sky blocked out.
The Prisons: An Arched Chamber with Posts and Chains, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1745-1750 https://t.co/SkBeyfEAq0 #cmaopenaccess #clevelandartmuseum
Imaginary Prisons by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778).
An influential series of prints started in 1745. 16 imaginary subterranean prisons with winding stairs strange architecture, partial ruins and esoteric machines.
#art #prints #prisons #architecture #history
HIDE AND SEEKER by @dakadh (MG horror)
HORRID by @KatrinaLeno (YA horror)
LEGENDBORN by @tracydeonn (YA fantasy)
PIRANESI by Susanna Clarke (Adult fantasy)
#taldíacomohoy en el año 608, se levantó en el Foro la columna de Focas. El pedestal era de época de Diocleciano y en época de Piranesi no era visible. En la cima, había una estatua del emperador, derribada tras su muerte.
Giovanni Battista (or Giambattista) #Piranesi also known as simply Piranesi; 4 October 1720 – 9 November 1778) was an Italian artist famous for his etchings of #Rome.
In 1741 the column base was raised on a plinth in Piazza Montecitorio, where the artist Piranesi engraved it soon after. The surviving section of granite column shaft was kept behind the Montecitorio Palace where it was sadly damaged by fire in 1759.
Wraparound cover no. 1: APOSTLES OF THE WEIRD, an anthology edited by ST Joshi: https://t.co/cOHbpMepc7
This is the Piranesi/Escher hybrid I said I was doing. Should have been more Escheresque but I ran out of time.
Views of Rome: Forum of Nerva, Giovanni Battista Piranesi https://t.co/wyGEl9AUwE #cmaopenaccess #cmaprints
One of a series of views of Paestum by Giovanni Battista Piranesi that hangs in the Soane's iconic Picture Room. #ObjectOfTheWeek Read more about the Picture Room at https://t.co/UQk45L0CCR
A study of Piranesi's etching of the Pantheon from 1751. I kept it loose around most details and tried to somewhat capture the etching nature of the original. It’s really just a study of the greatness of the original rather than any big creative input of my own. #pixelart
The Prisons: A Perspective of Colonnades with Zig-Zag Staircase, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1745 https://t.co/GapoTHjFVl #museumarchive #clevelandartmuseum