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De los negros tuve, son como rotrings. Hay puntas en sepia tb. Ahora esposa me regaló estos.
El tema es que te tenés que animar. Y meterles. Yo el otro día hice un coipo zafable con ese set de colores terrosos y algunos grises. Y un verde que tenía. El set nuevo no lo usé aún

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Las piezacas que me marcaba hace 6 años... Están hechas con rotrings (bolis) estilo crosshatching (si os fijais podéis ver un entramado de rallas).

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🇪🇦Reina Calamar de las profundidades. Ilustración realizada en tamaño A4 en sketchbook de con rotrings y el color con de y

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17/12/20 Chris Askham in a face mask and jaunty hat. Rotring art pen and watercolour rapid sketch

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composition numérique, mine de plomb,
Rotring et crayons de couleurs.

Portrait d'📸official d'après une photographie de 📸_photography

© J. Pellerin-Moncler 2020

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Composition numérique, Rotring et mine de plomb.
420 x 297 cm

© J. Pellerin-Moncler 2020

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étude pour "Baron cimetière"

Rotring et mine de plomb sur composition numérique
pour tirage 40 x 50 cm
gravure (détail) : Daniel Marot
© J. Pellerin-Moncler 2019

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"Yann en mariachi"
Crayons de couleurs, Rotring et craie
© 2018

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Dutch Coast
Graphite pencil, Rotring Artpen, Liquid Graphite, watercolour.

qrt sheet Millford paper 140 lb

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Down to my last functioning rotring pen so I've added some more items to my ongoing shop sale. https://t.co/mUfiXGZQma

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Étude de joueurs de dés.
mine de plomb et Rotring

© J. Pellerin-Moncler 2020

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Going through old hard drive & found this unfinished drawing from 2003. I remember giving up because drawing the scales was taking far too long. Also was using rotring radiograph pens that were a hassle to keep running nicely.

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⚡️Hoy estaba viendo Grease y tenía los rotuladores muy a mano... ¿Quién no ha visto esta peli?🕺🏻


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Aluminium wave-grip design:
• Platinum Pro-Use BSD-1500A ballpoint
• rOtring Tikky double-push sharp 0.5mm

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A noodle I made to test an old 0.3 Rotring Isograph pen that i superglued back together after destroying it in order to clean it inside (it was clogged to death by dried ink). I liked it enough to frame it and hang it on a wall

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