Beware “THE COBB”! It crawls, it creeps, it eats your produce alive! It’s indestructible, it’s indescribable and NOTHING can stop it!

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Hanging out with bad apples 🍎 is honestly not as “appealing” as it might seem to be. 🍏 🔪


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🇪🇦Reina Calamar de las profundidades. Ilustración realizada en tamaño A4 en sketchbook de con rotrings y el color con de y

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First finished artwork with Copic Ciao~
What do you think? ☺️

Follow my art Insta: luckyelieart

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I wanted to draw the shoes in more detail - used a ref for the pose

And I cut and pasted the hand on - ha. ha. ha.

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Day 31 - FINALLY dragged myself to the finish line

My of marker girls - so many arms and legs everywhere. I think this is the most complicated drawing I’ve ever made...

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Day 30 - scratch and sniff markers

Obligatory mech butt for the year

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Day 25 - mech girls don’t like wearing skin

in frustration, I literally cut and pasted the head on like in grade school

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Day 24 - I WAS caught up, but the victory was brief...

I think this one is my favorite magenta marker study

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Day 23 - legs that go for miles - I’m so close, but I’m just going to fall behind over the weekend

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