Day 15 - "For eons we have lied in wait, and been desecrated as we rested."

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Day 14 - "Watch as your creations turn against you."

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Day 13 - "You discard your failed subjects like chaff, just you watch..."

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Day 12 - "Bear witness to the light as your 'experiments' fail and your curiousity proves fruitless."

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Day 11 - "You dare to toil with the foundations of reality? How foolish."

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Day 10 - Rivallry, the Fairy-Fire type Liberty Pokémon, fights with undying determination for the freedom of itself and others.

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Day 9 - "Mayday! Mayd- You fools toil with powers you do not understand." -Final transmission of ACR-001

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Day 8 - "Mechs are hard to power, so we implanted the soul and mind of a destroyed kaiju into a mech that's being field tested."

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Day 7 - "Subterranean based Kaiju located, classified as KAI-607; Brawler class Mech unit dispatched."

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Day 6 - "Brawler class Mechs are suited for almost any encounter, well over 500 tons of iron made for punching their way through anything."

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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"Large crustacean Kaiju detected, classified as KAI-605. Due to past events, air unit has been deployed rather than a sea unit."

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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"Sky units are trained vigourously to overpower their foes from above."

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Valcourtain, the Servitude Pokémon. With unyielding loyalty this Pokémon serves and protects those who endear it.

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Light P-CE2 Unit deployed, fireproof chassis proves highly effective against KAI-601's main method of combat.

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Subjectively's Kaijune 01 - Forest

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KAI-601 (Kindle) lighting up a forest on KAI-444 (Rocky), immediate response requested.

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Cycling and the park: Subjectively safe cycling infrastructure: New insights for urban designs ......

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Today's character is Goro Akechi! If you have not played Persona 5 Royal and you like RPGs, you're missing out on one of the best RPGs ever made, and subjectively the best game ever made. (Akechi is objectively the best Persona character don't @ me)

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just looked like a good boi and I wanted to try animating it after binging ’s fakemon region playlist. Looking forward to more content in the future!

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Just a little fakemon fanart for and from their collab video with truegreen7 and subjectively! I wish I had the energy to draw all 4 designs but oh well, take my 2 favs!

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