I love this girl by 🍄 ✏️

I drew this a while ago and forgot to post 😂 this was my first finished piece using the brush pen! I love it so much 😍

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I love illustrating with pens, markers, and watercolors but I also love canvas 😍 it’s so fun and I’ll be doing some of that this weekend with my artsy pals 💛

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I don’t have a green thumb but I love being surrounded by 😍 I think the only answer is for me to live in a forest 🌿

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My version of ’s ✏️

I really love the original piece so much 😻💙🧡 blue & orange is my favorite color combination 🐠🐟🐠🐟 and I love drawing 😁

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My version of .mmio ✏️

This was such a fun and cute Drawing whales and fish are a lot of fun 🐳 I also loved the color scheme of this piece!

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My version of ✏️

This piece is sooo cute 😻 you know I have to do anything with a Girl & Cat 🧡

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