Today's writing session: 1760 new words written. Also, for those of you who saw my post yesterday, my additional internal hard drive completely died. Oh well. Such is technology.

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If anyone is planning any playthroughs of The Citadel of Chaos, The Forest of Doom, Starship Traveller, or City of Thieves (which are all 40 this year!) let the Warlock know and he will share your Twitch/YouTube/Facebook livestream across all Allansia!

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In the deep dark, a barbarian lord,
Stared down the onrushing enemy horde.
Taunted “Bop me from my place at the top!”
Wielding his cleaver with a slash and a chop.


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An image of science fiction and fantasy — and a hint of this week’s upcoming theme!

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タイタンは創世こそインテリジェント・デザインでしたが Warlock Returns4では超・モンスター事典にも出たファブネウスがサンゴ島で20年漂流した経験から、タイタン版進化論を提唱してます。

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.' ‘Paul and Corey Cross the Streams’ () Returns for Season 5, Featuring a Six-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon-Style Movie Selection ( )

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An image of science fiction and fantasy for our prompt word today, BOW.

"Bows, Ribbons, and Ripostes"

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