just delivered yet another NPC for

This is Zahala the Merciless, a Chessentan State Inquisitor who often gets answers with her firsts.

Great job Zairos, as usual!

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I caught a cold that knocked me off my feet Friday, so here's an oldie. The scarlet horde from Tyranny.

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Facts have proved that HK rule of law has died,and even the judge of final appeal cannot conduct a fair trial. It is difficult to know whether they are afraid of or controlled by tyranny.I hope the incident will make the world clearer HK rule of law has completely collapsed

8 42

Heartbreaking to see our youths targeted by the tyranny.

They are brave and young.
The political prosecution is injustice.

Now China can arrest whoever they want. is still facing the charge of

Hope more can with actions!

2 3

Good to hear that. We hope EU can sanction those human rights, democracy and freedom violators in and that has blatantly crack downed HK rule of law and autonomy. Pls continue to against tyranny.

3 9

Dictators can jail our bodies not our soul, mind & determination. We will not give up fighting against tyranny. We will only get more united and stronger. Let’s

51 169

Heartbroken to see our youths are targeted by the tyranny.

The political prosecution is injustice.

Now China can arrest whoever they want. is even facing the charge of NationalSecurityLaw.

Hope more could speak up and help Hongkongers.

7 28

I was born to rid the world of tyranny. But even with the demon king Ravana, I first attempted to negotiate peace on cordial terms.

The effort failed, unfortunately. But in dealing with Qin Shi Huang recently and seeing his understanding nature, I have hope once more.

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We don't trade lives. We don't submit to fear and tyranny. We don't keep families apart. We don't put the longevity of the old before the prospects and freedoms of the young. We don't surrender our dignity. We don't allow democracy to be cast aside.

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Thanks so much Lord Alton for your staunch support to against tyranny.

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In distant worlds, the land catches flames under thousands of years of strife and tyranny. Legends tell that if the right tune is sung from a place where all can hear, the land will flood in seas of a new beginning. And all wars will come to an end.

4 45

Thank you Rep for your continuous care and attention to the latest Hong Kong situation. HK, our home, is completely ruined by within 1.5 yr. it is utterly sad but we won’t be silenced and we won’t stop fighting against tyranny. Pls continue to

0 2

Thank you for your continuous care and attention to the latest Hong Kong situation. HK, our home, is completely ruined by within 1.5 yr. it is utterly sad but we won’t be silenced and we won’t stop fighting against tyranny. Pls continue to

1 2

That's exactly what an autocracy aims to achieve: creating distrust, suspicions & terror among the people so that they can stay united against the tyranny. It's more than Cultural revolution; wants to destroy people's interrelationship & bonding

10 26

That's exactly what an autocracy aims to achieve: creating distrust, suspicions & terror among the people so that they can stay united against the tyranny. It's more than Cultural revolution; wants to destroy people's interrelationship & bonding

15 29

The marshals will come again
Then the army on the streets
Make sure you get your shot
Can't miss the signs of tyranny...
Art by Kilart

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Because you all is our close freedom ally of We think people all over the world who pursue freedom & democracy must unite and support each other! Let the world support democracy & freedom of and reminded we must together resist tyranny.

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Shias mourn, Shias renew resolve to fight against tyranny.
In Indian occupied Shias suffer due to the tyranny of state.
Illustration by a most talented Kashmiri artist

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