With the focus on Ubirajara lately, I think it's a good time to point out that the AMNH has a large collection of Brazilian fossils that were acquired illegally. It includes pterosaurs like this Anhanguera sp. (AMNH 22555) as well as a multitude of fishes and invertebrates.

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Bad colonial attitudes plague palaeontology since its conception. Various institutions refuse to return looted fossils to their righteous homes, treating own institutions & law as superior and deciding. This harms global scientific community.

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A reminder since these clows are still trying to keep their illegal fossils

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Gente! Precisamos fazer barulho pra q esse fossil volte para onde ele pertence! O Ubirajara pertence ao Brasil e não ao país q o roubou!

Por isso ajudem a subir as hashtags!!!


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couldn't sleep so thought i'd practice drawing some fluffy brazilian animals
and yes the ubirajara is a dinosaur no its not alive LOL but it was found here so it counts!

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Refiz o design do meu Ubirajara, esse animal tão lindo q foi tirado de nosso país 😔

❤️+🔁= Eu mt feliz

AH! Lembrem-se!!

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Ikea monkey ubirajara. stylish but illegal

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Okay, maybe would make a better pet.

33 193

Meu querido Ubirajara estará a sua disposição S2

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Ubirajara jubatus life restoration (dorsal mane interpreted as a hypothetical taphonomic displacement of the filaments)

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Today we done an without Joschua... crazy, isn't... Well, today we done a Stream, with such guests as:
- The All Might (and a little demon)
- And an

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Perhaps some day I'll finish this Ubirajara jubatus, but not for this

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Ubirajara, Utahraptor, Tyrannosaurus.

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Ubirajara jubatus/compsognathid theropod that lived during the early Cretaceous period in Brazil

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