Welcome to Monday ☺️

🍃 In Episode 01, the lovely and I chat about & low-tech architecture, which you can listen to here:

📻 → https://t.co/fiFM7mS0k3

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"Robert Moses: The Master Builder of New York City"
[On the two most towering figures in 20th c. American urbanism, arch rivals, Moses' crusade to build the greatest city vs Jane Jacobs' efforts to save its soul]

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Coffee space at 9am, educational space by lunchtime? Does the hour-by-hour model point towards a new direction for Join us at tomorrow's Urbanism Hour to hear more. 1pm BST, 30 April https://t.co/4gUgcFQZoj

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artist Candy Bird's artworks first appeared as graffiti, voicing urbanism and marginalization. He also conveys stories and views unattended by mainstream media as well as his observations during participation in social protests: https://t.co/UNGUh7hOKN https://t.co/qbEvOC5ij6

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La Barcelona de Solà-Morales. . ofrece una selección de los textos del Manuel de Solà-Morales sobre la y el de publicados por . https://t.co/y3P62Pt1SB

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Architecture Week () is an annual festival that explores architecture, urbanism, art and design🏛

Tune in tonight for a fascinating event with PechaKucha format 🗣

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I miss Illustrating every week and lately I'm trying to handle the Architecture and Urbanism university in your final semester so it's being kinda hard when you also have an alternative work but I have good ideas that I'd like to create and post here. If you still follow me, thx

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Izel e sua irmã vivem em Uxmal, cidade maia, mas dizem ser mexicas (que é como os astecas chamavam a si mesmos) e que nasceram em Tenochtitlán, capital do império Asteca (e uma puta cidade em níveis de arquitetura e urbanismo, pesquisem, sério).

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On Tuesday we posted some of Barcelona’s new tactical urbanism interventions. These are part of ‘superblocks’ - pedestrian first zones across the city.

Read more: https://t.co/4j5IMr0WK0

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Colocando as artes pra jogo, qual versão? 1 ou 2?

obs: os horários são bem curtinhos porque eu também trabalho em uma empresa de materiais de construção civil, faço a facul de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e curso de vendas então.. realmente fica puxado 8 horas só de Design.

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me chamo Gabriela, estou cursando arquitetura e urbanismo, moro em São Carlos - SP e faço umas artes bacaninhas hehe
aqui estão 4 que eu gosto bastante, mas vou postar outras por aqui e também tenho um perfil no insta caso interesse ^^ ( lá tb)


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Crises and the park: Biotic systems as a critical urban infrastructure during crisis: learning from the COVID-19 pandemic..........https://t.co/vuODv3pDvG

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desde la infraestructura abandonada de las vías del tren de carga hasta una nueva forma tridimensional de experimentar la ciudad.


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L'"urbanisme tactique" n'est pas réservé qu'aux piétons et cyclistes, il faut aussi agir d'urgence pour les usagers des transports en commun !

[illustration : pour Transitec]

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A more resilient, sustainable urbanism? Up until fairly recently in Japan, it was common to see mobile fast food restaurants pop up where ever there was a chance to catch some hungry punters in the mornings or evenings. Soba, udon, ramen, carried and cooked on the spot.

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